December 2012 Moms

Breastfeeding frustration

I was getting so stressed out over breastfeeding today. We had to start supplementing with bottles of formula and pumped milk while we were in the hospital because LO had lost 12% of his birth weight. Since then, he has put his weight back on and I've been trying to work on breastfeeding. He was doing really well the last couple of days, but today he refused to stay latched. I don't know what else to try to encourage him to breastfeed. I'm worried that I'll never get breastfeeding to work. I know that bottle feeding is fine, but it's not what I wanted to do.
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Re: Breastfeeding frustration

  • Sorry to hear about your troubles..  I know it can be a frustrating road.    If baby keeps it up,  maybe see a lactation consultant to see if they have suggestions? 


    I had trouble first and had to be reminded that me, my husband, and siblings all grew up on formula and  turned out fine.  Another option though if BFing doesnt work and you dont want formula--you can pump so that baby still gets all the benefits of breastmilk


    Good luck!  I hope baby cooperates and today was just a bad day.

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  • Ive been dealing with the same thing. She is 6 weeks old and just decided the other day that she didnt feel like latching and when she did it was very shallow so in turn it was very painful to me. When she is latching she will fill her mouth up and let it all come out!! When its so painful to even have her on there and then her just spit it all out is very frustrating. It seems one week its gets better then next its another thing but I am hoping like everyone says it just takes time for it to all come together. Women did it all the time back in the day there has to be a point where its easy!!
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  • Keep trying, don't get discouraged! Maybe contact a Lactation Consultant and/or join a breastfeeding support group in your area.
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  • I feel your pain. I've been struggling too. I wasn't able to get a good latch in the hospital despite knowing how to do it. The nurses gave me a nipple shield and now my LO eats a lot better. But now he won't latch without it. I had no idea how difficult breastfeeding was.
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  • I really wanted to breastfeed, but I had to supplement since my LO wasn't getting enough. The problem then was that she didn't have to work as hard to get the formula and she got lazy with the breast. I still breast feed a little, but mostly supplement. I was hoping to do more bfing but the nice thing about ff is that I am not the one who always has to feed her.

     If bfing is important to you, keep at it and try out some of the suggestions made by PPs. Good Luck!

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  • We are dealing with a similar frustration right now, too. ,y LCD had suggested lots and lots of skin to skin time.  She has also told me to try different nursing positions. Good luck to you! 

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  • I have been in the same boat.  I have been breast feeding, pumping and supplementing with formula and it is very disappointing.  The only way I can get DD to latch on is with a nipple shield. Without it, she just keeps popping off.  The lactation consultant even told me to keep using it since she seems to do better with it.  Maybe try that?  
  • imagejac409:
    I have been in the same boat.  I have been breast feeding, pumping and supplementing with formula and it is very disappointing.  The only way I can get DD to latch on is with a nipple shield. Without it, she just keeps popping off.  The lactation consultant even told me to keep using it since she seems to do better with it.  Maybe try that?  
    I was going to suggest a nipple guard too.

    You need to do what's best for everyone. hang in there! 

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  • I also have to use a nipple shield, in addition I feed him breastmilk that I pump.  Its alot of work, but what I need to do to ensure he gets my breastmilk since he has issues latching on now.  I hope it will get better! 

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  • Thank you so much for all of the support and advice. We went to see the pediatrician today and Wesley was up to 8 lb 3 oz (birth weight 6 lb 13 oz), so he is doing just fine on weight. The doctor said that we can try to just breastfeed for a few days (no bottles) and bring him in for a weight check on Tuesday to make sure he's still gaining. He has been doing much better today with latching on, although he almost completely refuses to nurse on one side. I don't think we'll get much sleep tonight, because he's been sleeping in about 10 minute increments between nursing, but it'll be worth if we can make this work.
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  • we've also been struggling and had a similar story. we found that anytime we try to supplement with a bottle or a tube DS gets too lazy to latch well at the breast afterward. The only way we can supplement without it interfering with his latch it to use a nipple shield on a finger/palm and run a feeding tube into the nipple shield. This makes him still suck and realize that when we use the nipple shield on my breast he should keep sucking and milk will come. We've also been to see the lactation consultants at the hospital 4 times in the 2 weeks that we've been home with our next appointment on Wed.

    DS also has a much harder time with the left side and would get really frustrated. We've found that if I start on the right side every time and then switch him to the left after 15 or so minutes that he latches onto the left much easier. I hope some of the things that have helped us will help you too - good luck!

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