December 2012 Moms

Question for moms with delivery tears

I ended up with a second degree tear and an internal vaginal tear (can't remember what they called it and I definitely do not want to google it) and I am in a lot of pain. I gave birth on 12/27.  I have pain medicine that helps but makes me feel really drowsy. I'm just wondering how others are dealing with the pain and how long it took to recover.  I wouldn't mind the lack of sleep so much if weren't so hard to move around. I definitely underestimated the amount of pain I would be in. It is also interfering with my plan to breast feed which is going horribly at the moment but will hopefully get better after our lactation appointment on Wednesday.

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Re: Question for moms with delivery tears

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    I have a tear and hemorrhoids  and i find that using  witchhazel pads and the hemorrhoid cooling gel help.( The rhoids dont bother me, so these are helping my stiches.)  In the hospital i also used  a spray.  Dermo plast  maybe?  I havent done this  yet but have heard it helps-- take a pad or  one of your diapers for baby and wet it then freeze it.  that should help too. 
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    I agree its tough to handle all the lack of sleep and a new baby while in pain. You can try adjusting your pain meds to something that makes you less drowsy. I had a 2nd degree tear with DS and just took 600mg ibprophen and used the dermo spray and tucks pads. This time I only have a 1st degree tear and I am still in alot of pain so I take the ibprophen and tylenol 3. Neither make me drowsy. You can also try sitting on some frozen peas. Good luck!
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    I had/have a 3rd degree tear just recently got hemorrhoids. Dermoplast helped a lot with the tear I took Ibuprofen for the pain. I was prescribed Percocet but I never took it since the last thing I needed was to feel drowsy on top of taking care of a LO at night.

    Dermoplast, Ibuprofen and REST help! 3 weeks in I'm still in some pain but mainly from the rhoids /: It gets better!!
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    It took about two weeks before my tear started feeling substantially better
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    I had a 4th degree tear and a hemorrhoid . I was using dermoplast spray, epifoam, and tucks cooling pads. I was also prescribed Vicodin and 800mg ibuprofen; approved meds for me to take while bfing. I use the peribottle religiously. All this worked wonderfully and I felt great by the end of the first week. 
    I hope you're able to find some relief.
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    BFP#1:MC 8/20/2010| BFP#2:MC 7/9/2011| BFP#3:DD born 12/14/2012

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    I had 3rd degree tears this time. Dermaplast spray, tucks pads or whichhazel pads, lots of ibuprofen and REST! I know it's hard, but staying off your feet will help with the swelling and ultimately, the pain. I was told not to soak in a tub, but sitting in the tub with about 2 inches of warm water for about 5 minutes also helped a ton. GL!
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    Is the dermo spray prescription? They didn't give me that at the hospital. I tried the epi spray in the hospital and it didn't really help. The 800 mg Motrin doesn't help only the stronger pain med and I hate taking it but my body starts to hurt so much that I can't function so I take it when it gets to that point. I do use the peri bottle and I use the extra ice pads that I got from the hospital. I just opened the tucks and I'm hoping that will help to. My doctor said I would be feeling much better after a week but I'm not overly optimistic at this point.

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    Is the dermo spray prescription? They didn't give me that at the hospital. I tried the epi spray in the hospital and it didn't really help. The 800 mg Motrin doesn't help only the stronger pain med and I hate taking it but my body starts to hurt so much that I can't function so I take it when it gets to that point. I do use the peri bottle and I use the extra ice pads that I got from the hospital. I just opened the tucks and I'm hoping that will help to. My doctor said I would be feeling much better after a week but I'm not overly optimistic at this point.


     Sorry the epifoam didn't help. No, the dermoplast isn't a prescription, my hospital gave me 2 bottles before I left though. I believe I've seen it at walmart but it is also available on amazon. It maybe something for you to try.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPicLilypie Second Birthday tickers

    BFP#1:MC 8/20/2010| BFP#2:MC 7/9/2011| BFP#3:DD born 12/14/2012

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    I have a 2nd degree tear and hemorrhoids from hell!!! Rest def helps and don't be afraid of pain meds bc they help as well. I was prescribed 800mg of ibuprofen but I take 400mg of advil 2x a day and that helps manage the pain. I was sent home w Dermaplast spray, a spray bottle and witch hazel pads. Every time I'm in the bathroom I rinse w warm water, wipe with the pads and spray. My pain is really from the hemorrhoids so I'll also put a diaper filled with ice on top to numb everything. I haven't felt the stitches since abt a week pp but those roids are still hanging around :
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    I gave birth on 12/25 and I have a first degree tear. I feel like today is the first day I am able to walk around without wincing. I am actually able to sit much easier today...not great, but better. 

     I am using the witch hazel pads, the spray,  the peri rinse  bottle, and the jumbo hospital pads. The perineal ice packs from the hospital felt great for the pain but didn't stay cold long enough.   


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    I had a 2nd degree tear- I used the prescription motrin (i think it's 800 mg), hot baths (my OB said baths were ok, just not to soak too i give myself 20 mins), and rest...i found that the less i sat on the area, the less it's been almost 2 weeks and i feel much better..i don't take the meds anymore but still try to do the other 2 things


    BFP #1 12/02/11, M/C 12/08/11
    BFP #2 04/06/12, DD born 12/20/12
    BFP #3 06/09/14, M/C 06/15/14

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    I'm sorry things are rough right now, they will get better! 

    I had a pretty significant 2nd degree tear as well. I took Tylenol and Ibuprofen around the clock for the first 5 or so days, then cut back a bit. I was very sore for the first few days and the ice pads from the hospital were the most comforting thing for me.

    However, last week I went to Whole Foods and bought Earth Mama Angel Baby's Mama Bottom Balm at the suggestion of a friend and OH MY GOSH it's amazing! Seriously, it is hands down the most refreshing, soothing, wonderful product I have ever had - I would even venture to say it is the single best item I bought related to my pregnancy! I've been using it daily since and my pain is significantly less and I'm no longer taking any medicine at all. My swelling is down, the pain is almost gone and I'm much more comfortable in general. I felt relief immediately after the first use, I even told DH that I felt like my vagina was at the spa! I know I sound like I'm peddaling a product, but I just love it that much. Best $15 I've spent EVER!

    So, send DH to Whole Foods (or get on Amazon and have it overnighted) and have him get you some EMAB Mama Bottom Balm and then have him pour you a modest glass of wine while you sit on the couch and snuggle your sweet baby. 

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    Also, before I started the balm, my friend suggested sitz baths as hot as I could stand for about 10 minutes. I did them twice a day until the EMAB and found some relief from them as well. 

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    pretty much everything these women said and also go to CVS or walgreen and get a blow up donut I am not sure what is it actually called but basically looks like a flotation raft and sitting on that it makes it so you are not sitting on the stitches at all. Helps me so much! 
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