December 2012 Moms

1 week PP no appetite

I am EBF and really should have more of an appetite. Nothing sounds good, I have to basically force feed myself. I remember being ravenous when bfing DS. Anyone else having the same issue?

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Re: 1 week PP no appetite

  • Totally unrelated, but my new siggy isn't showing up :/

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  • Yes.. and then when I do manage to eat an actual meal, I feel a little sick. I think I would probably be more hungry, but with EBF, it seems like the world revolves around whether or not Ivy is hungry, has eaten, or is full. By the time she's satisfied, I'm so excited to take a nap that I forget all about eating something myself.
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  • I'm the same. I have to make myself eat, and even then I seem to forget some meals. I feel terrible because I know I should be eating more food and more healthily for LO's sake.
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  • Same for me... as PP mentioned, by the time Maddie has eaten and is sleeping, I'm so excited to lay down and rest myself that I tend to forget about food.  DH is good about reminding me/bringing me food when he's here, but during the work day it's a different story.  I've even considered setting alarms on my phone when it's time to eat something!
  • yep! 2 weeks pp and i feel the same way... my stomach has been super sensitive. 
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  • I find myself doing the same thing. Chasing after an 18month old as well as EBF this little guy leaves very little room to even THINK or WANT to eat.
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  • Same here. I think I am more focused on her schedule and what she needs and am forgetting about me. But the payoff has been great! Down 30lbs already!



    'I loved you for a thousand years and I will love you for a thousand more'

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  • Yes, me too! I get up, feed and dress the kids, and all the sudden its almost lunchtime and I haven't eaten! Nothing really sounds good either so I've been naughty, snacking on Christmas candy a lot. Thankfully I'm starting to feel up to cooking again so hopefully that helps.
    Jude Wayne - Born 4/23/10 Violet Patricia - Born 12/5/12 Breastfeeding, baby-wearing work-at-home mom of 2 living in Rockville, MD
  • For me its not that food doesn't sound good, i just don't feel all that hungry. My son's pediatrician told me to be careful on losing weight too fast and that i should be eating an extra 500 cal. a day, but i am already two pounds away from my prepreg. weight and can hardly eat the amount of cals. i need too. I thought ebfing would make me hungry all the time, but it hasn't yet!
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