December 2012 Moms

Labor story

Started timing contractions at 1am, went to the hospital at 4am and was about 3cm. Since my membrane sack was bulging and I was in so much pain they kept me. I got an epidural ASAP despite never wanting one I was just in so much pain and was shaking violently from it. Best decision ever! I dilated about a centimeter an hour and doc broke my water at 9am. I didn't push much because baby girl's heart rate started dropping so they got the forceps and got her out ASAP. Once she was delivered the umbilical cord separated from the placenta and the placenta tore so it had to be taken out in pieces! Apparently I'm basically shredded downstairs : so glad I couldn't feel anything!

Jade arrived at 12:02pm, is 20 in long and weighs 6 lbs 10 oz! She is perfect and all the nurses say she is the cutest baby! She also rarely cries and when she does it's the cutest! And she's got the hang of breast feeding :

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