
C-section and pain

Hi ladies,

14 more days left!!! so i have to get a c-section and i wanted to know how and if the pain medication makes you drowsy or what side affects it has. I plan on breastfeeding and i wondered how the meds will affect my alertness and things like that.

Thanks in advance

Re: C-section and pain

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    the morphine that I got during the surgery and a little while after did make me very drowsy but to be honest after that was out of my system the percocets were fine.  Also the more on top of your meds the better you are able to move around and the quicker you are up on your feet :)  

    I formula fed so I am not sure they probably take the morphine away quicker if you breastfeed.  I also had serious complications related to one of my autoimmune diseases so they put me fully asleep after seeing the baby.

    The regular pain meds did not make me woozy though.  I did fine :)

    Congrats in advance!! 

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    I don't remember getting morphine with my last two but alot on here say they do, so maybe I did, and just didn't realize it :)  I also took the percosets while in the hospital and then went down to the super tylonal as i call it.  I was only on it a few days.   I agree with the pp KEEP UP on them specially the first week!!!  After the first week I slowly take myself off of them and just take them as needed when I over do it.  
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    I never took anything but tylenol and motrin after my c-section.  Honestly the pain wasn't that bad except when trying to get in and out of bed. 

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    I think they had an effect on my memory....I don't remember what I took :)


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    The meds made me groggy enough that I don't have a good memory of it, but you'll be okay to breastfeed. It takes awhile for the meds to work their way out of your system. I was on percocet or something similar, and it gave me crazy dreams (which is the same reaction I had to narcotic meds after a previous surgery). So I got off of that after it screwed up my sleep a couple of nights, and got the okay to just take the Motrin. I think they were 800mg. That was enough for me.

    You'll be able to breastfeed - and the nurses should be able to help you if you're having trouble. If DH is there or other family members, they can help out by handing LO to you so you don't have to get up and down too much.

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    In the hospital, I was on morphine then percocet, then just percocet and 800 mg motrin at home. The percocet made me not able to drive, but I was still pretty with it.
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    I didn't feel too groggy, I remember everything from the hospital and right after the c-section. They brought my son to me so I could breastfeed in the recovery room. 

    I did not take any of the narcotic pain killers offered to me, but did take the ibprofin, which I felt helped enough to make it through.  

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    I never took anything but tylenol and motrin after my c-section.  Honestly the pain wasn't that bad except when trying to get in and out of bed. 

    I was similar.

    The first drugs they give you with the surgery will make you woozy for sure.

    The vicodin or whatever they had me on made me feel so out of it that I started weaning myself off and was okay with tylenol and motrin.  I had some pain, sure, but it was better than feeling loopy.

    I don't think you will be too "out of it" though. 


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    I unfortunately got very nausious (sp) after the moved me out of recovery and into the mother/baby room for about 12 hours.  It made taking care of her that night very hard, not to mention, I couldn't walk.  I got to hold her as soon as I was moved into recovery which took about 30 minutes after she was born. I was told to beware of very itchy skin, and boy did I itch, everywhere!!!  As for morphine, I wasn't given it for pain, but vicodin and ibuprofen.  The key is to stay on top of your pain.  Ask for meds before it gets bad.  After about 12 hours, I was able to get out of bed with assistance.  Good luck!
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    I was a drowsy, uncomfortable, stiff mess for like at least 24 hours after my surgery. I had a really really rough time of it though (misplaced epidural, 30 hour labor, etc), so I doubt that's the average experience. I'd say expect to be uncomfortable and unhappy for at least that day though. Still, there's plenty of help at most hospitals to help you with the breastfeeding. I didn't deal with that though because my babies were in the NICU for the first couple of days and needed formula until they came up to see me and my milk came in.
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