
VBAC blog update

Hey everyone

I just went through and added birth stories from the last six months to our blog.  Every birth story that gets shared on this board gets indexed on our blog, whether it is a VBAC or RCS (although I think I still need to go back and add some).  If a birth has something interesting like a Pitocin induction or a big baby I try to add that info too, but sometimes I miss things.  Thanks to everyone who has shared their birth story.  Keep them coming!

 I also want to add any interesting VBAC articles, blog posts or resources that we find, so please continue to share things on the board.

Now that I have a working computer, I will try to keep our blog updated more frequently.  :)

Oh and the blog link is https://vbacbumpies.blogspot.com/ 


Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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