Phoenix Babies

Potty Triaining 3 year old Girl

I am having the hardest time potty training my daughter! does anyone have ANY sugestions?

Re: Potty Triaining 3 year old Girl

  • First of all don't push it!   I got my daughter a potty (not the potty seat) to introduce her to it.  She just practiced a lot.  She pretty much followed me into the bathroom and she'd sit in her potty.  I encouraged her to sit in it right before she took her bath and sometimes she even used it.  I know she wasn't really ready for it at that point in time.  But I totally praised her.  


    She eventually just started using her potty at home and i'd ask her if she had to go.  What really seemed to seal the deal was when I got her big girl underwear.  I never used pull ups.  Those are too much like a diaper.  She loved her big girl underwear and it had either princesses or Dora on them.  Many people aren't into the charachters, but she loved them and wore them proudly. 

     We'd also use the potty first thing in the morning.  I'd always say let's try to go potty and she would.

    She was in fact going to daycare 5 days a week at the core of her potty training so i'm sure that helped.  They check with them like every hour to sit on the potty (I think).  Eventually she did not have to wear her diaper at school.   Granted she did have some accidents.   I think she was trained a little earlier than most .  She was fully trained at 2 yrs and 9 months. 

    She does have an accident now ocassionaly (she's now 3 and 3 mos) but I think she just is too involved with playing and doesn't want to take the time to go to the potty or tell me.   

    Hope that helps!  Don't worry they get it!!




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