Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Tubes :-/

DS is scheduled for next Tuesday.  I know this is minor, common procedure.... I guess I'm just feeling like I could use some positive stories/experiences if you'd like to share them with me :)  TIA!!
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Re: Tubes :-/

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    We joke that getting tubes for DD was the best parenting decision we have made so far!  Seriously, she went from being at the doctor's office weekly to not being sick for over a year.  The surgery itself was so fast that I didn't even get to crack open my magazine in the waiting room and she was back to her normal self after a short nap.  Her language and motor development also took off immediately after surgery.  
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    I agree it was one of our best decision too. We had our daughters tubes done about 9 months ago and we have had no ear aches.

    The surgery went fine and she did fine. She was a little crabby coming out of it. Just wanted to be held.

    Good luck it will be fine

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    It was no big deal for us too! They warned us that he might cry for 15 mins or so after he woke up. He cried for nearly 30 mins, but it was just from feeling groggy and confused as he was waking up. He stopped crying and was fine the rest of the day. Wasn't clingy, ate great, and played hard!  

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    We joke that getting tubes for DD was the best parenting decision we have made so far!  Seriously, she went from being at the doctor's office weekly to not being sick for over a year.  The surgery itself was so fast that I didn't even get to crack open my magazine in the waiting room and she was back to her normal self after a short nap.  Her language and motor development also took off immediately after surgery.  

    Thanks.  If he actually says "momma" soon I think my heart will melt.

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    I was worried too, but seriously it was SO not a big deal.  We left the house at 5:45am and were back at home eating breakfast at 8:30.  The procedure was 5mins. I was only away from him for 30. 
    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
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    DD had tubes inserted at 8 months old and we didn't get another EI until last month (22 months old). Because of her age then, I can't judge the impact of the tubes on her speech but the pre and post-surgery tests show a marked difference in her hearing.

    The surgery was insanely quick and her recovery was too. The doctors do encourage some crying after they wake to help the anesthesia move through faster. DD didn't cry and was completely herself by the time we got home less than an hour later. She ate normal, napped, played and crawled around like nothing had changed.

    Plus with the tubes used today, we don't have to plug her ears or do anything differently when she bathes or swims. I don't regret anything about having her tubes inserted when we did it. Best parenting decision ever (blackout curtains run a close second)

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    Another vote for best decision we ever made. Both of my girls have tubes, and I don't regret it for a second. DD1 got them at 14 months. Procedure went great, she came out of anesthesia easily and was just sleepy and groggy for a big. Took a nice long nap when we got home and was back to herself as soon as she woke up.

    DD2 got them at 10 months. Procedure also went great, but she came out of anesthesia kicking and screaming (she's the feistier of my two personality wise, so the screaming was not a surprise LOL). After a short nap she was back to normal that afternoon.

    Mama to two sweet girls
    DD1 Feb 2010
    DD2 Sept 2011

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    DS had his placed at 10 months after 5 straight months of agony. He had residual fluid in his ears that caused constant ear infections. He did great and the whole thing took about 30 mins. It takes more time to put them to sleep than the procedure itself.

    DH asked the surgeon to be there when he was out under. We were warned that it can be hard to watch as they sometimes get upset. My DS did fight back but only for a few seconds. I wasn't in there with him but my DH was. He really wanted to be there (he's super protective and didn't let DS leave his sight when he was in the hospital after his birth).

    J did wake up crying and did so for about 10 mins. We were warned of this as well because they wake up in a little bit of pain and groggy. Our guy was starving too since they made us fast since the night before.

    All in all, I have to agree with the other ladies was a decision that we did not make lightly but we truly believe we made the best one. He hasn't been sick since and had the procedure done in mid June.

    Best of luck! 

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    I work in an ENT office so I see a lot of kids (and adults even) that get tubes put in. The doctor I work for will put tubes in for an adult in the office (in and out in less that 20 mins usually). Kids don't lay still normally so they are done under sedation. I have yet to hear a parent say that it wasn't the best or one of the best things they ever did for the kid. I tell parents that it is normally harder on them to see their little one sedated then it is on the kid.
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