2nd Trimester

Am I the only one?

Am I the only one who finds a gender reveal party to be stupid? Nobody cares about your kid quite like you do. I just feel like you shouldn't make people go to so many things all the time. People are busy and its silly (IMHO) and selfish to take up their time like that. I think if people are trying to have a gender reveal, it should be on a weekday, and you should NOT get offended if nobody shows up.

End of rant, sorry!

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Re: Am I the only one?

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    No, some people feel the same.

    But my question is why you care SO much whether or not someone is having one? If you are invited to one, then don't go. If the host wants to spend his or her money for a party, then let them. It shouldn't matter to you what they do.

    I find people like you who get their undies in a bunch over what someone else decides to do quite amusing.

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    Am I the only one who finds a gender reveal party to be stupid? Nobody cares about your kid quite like you do. I just feel like you shouldn't make people go to so many things all the time. People are busy and its silly (IMHO) and selfish to take up their time like that. I think if people are trying to have a gender reveal, it should be on a weekday, and you should NOT get offended if nobody shows up.

    End of rant, sorry!

    I agree... 50/50 shot of boy vs girl... and people are supposed to "ooooh" and ahhhh" and act surprised?  I don't get it.  But whatever.

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    No, some people feel the same.

    But my question is why you care SO much whether or not someone is having one? If you are invited to one, then don't go. If the host wants to spend his or her money for a party, then let them. It shouldn't matter to you what they do.

    I find people like you who get their undies in a bunch over what someone else decides to do quite amusing.


    I think she was just ranting. Chill.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I'm having a gender reveal party so that I don't have to worry about accidentally telling somebody who doesn't want to know. I set the party for the following Sunday after my doctor's appointment and told everybody the date / time. Told them to show up if they wanted to know otherwise they will have to ask me personally since I won't be sharing the info on social media sites like Facebook since parts of my family want to be surprised when the baby arrives.

    I don't care if anybody shows up or not. I'm just making a light lunch with lots of finger foods and such. I've made some knitted pins in the shapes of pink & blue onesies that those who come can choose what they think the baby will be and pin to their shirt.

    My mom (lives in Scotland), my grandmother (Washington), and hubby's grandparents (Michigan) will all be Skypeing in to find out the gender together. If I'm lucky and hubby gets the day off he'll by Skypeing in from Afghanistan too.

    Plus, there is a woman who made a cake for me earlier this year for my dad's 50th birthday who has been wanting to make a Gender Reveal Cake for her portfolio for some time. She is the one who suggested the idea of a party and said she'd make the cake for free as long as she can put photos up for her business. 

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    No, some people feel the same.

    But my question is why you care SO much whether or not someone is having one? If you are invited to one, then don't go.


    Because then when people don't show up, people get on TheBump and complain about people not wanting to come to their AW Fest, that they have to move the date (even though it seems no matter when it is, the people still don't want to come), etc. see the "Gender Reveal Vent" thread also going on right now. 

     So as long as people still whine about how their plans to throw them aren't working out, those who think they are silly have the right to say so. 


    I knew you were talking about this. Lol.

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    No, some people feel the same.

    But my question is why you care SO much whether or not someone is having one? If you are invited to one, then don't go.


    Because then when people don't show up, people get on TheBump and complain about people not wanting to come to their AW Fest, that they have to move the date (even though it seems no matter when it is, the people still don't want to come), etc. see the "Gender Reveal Vent" thread also going on right now. 

     So as long as people still whine about how their plans to throw them aren't working out, those who think they are silly have the right to say so. 

    Yes, I read that thread. And I told the OP, that whoever cares and wants to know will be there. Simple as that. Does that make wanting to throw a party for whatever reason I want (not just including a Gender reveal here) bad? No. Point is, if you think something is silly, then don't go.

    hansonam, trust me, I'm cool. Cool

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    I've never been to one, but a friend of mine has and she said she had a great time. Hey, to each his own.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    We will not have a party. But instead of finding out when the ultrasound tech tells me, and then i tell DH, and then he tells his mom....blah blah blah. We will do the balloon thing and have DS open it on Christmas morning. He will love the balloons and our parents will probably be there anyway and we'll get cute pictures.
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    I find them AW-ish. I wouldn't have one.

    But if a friend was having one, I'd go. I like free cake.  Yes

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    You're not alone... I would never have one, and I'd probably never attend one if I had the choice. I don't "care" that anyone has them, but at least be honest about it and admit it's AWish.
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    I'm really indifferent toward gender reveal parties. We are having one though, because my friend really wanted to do one. So I told her if she planned it I would keep my mouth shut until the party. It's scheduled for this Saturday and she is planning on making a cake that will be blue on the inside. I understand people have plans and might not be able to make it. It doesn't bother me at all. I'm really just going for the cake. =)
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    I am not suggesting that people cannot have them, obviously to each their own. I just find them to be incredibly arrogant, and when people getting mad that someone doesn't have time to oogle is sickening (THIS IS MY OPINION).

    I have been to two gender reveal parties this year. I too like the free cake. It was just a rant. I really liked the idea of revealing the gender to a sibling on CHristmas though :)

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    Um. No. I think they are asinine.
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    I agree with the original poster & some PPs. I think it's a little over the top & a tad silly. I would go to one to show support to my friends/fam BUT I wouldn't personally throw one. To each her own. She was just venting though, it's a free country. She said "Am I the only one?!" She's only asking a question ladies. Let's breathe & reboot. #FellowBumpieLove
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    I am not suggesting that people cannot have them, obviously to each their own. I just find them to be incredibly arrogant, and when people getting mad that someone doesn't have time to oogle is sickening (THIS IS MY OPINION).

    I have been to two gender reveal parties this year. I too like the free cake. It was just a rant. I really liked the idea of revealing the gender to a sibling on CHristmas though :)


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    I can see both sides of this. It probably depends on how the MTB goes about having the party and if is kind of a "woooo look at me" formal affair. However, for us (and I am sure many others), our families love getting together for gatherings or parties, whether there is a reason for it or not. I am not having a gender reveal party, but my SIL is having a mini party at her new apartment Saturday, and we asked if she wouldn't mind if we revealed the gender with filled cupcakes at her shindig. She was all "hellz ya, bring me cupcakes".

    I would never throw myself a "gender reveal party" and call it that complete with invites, which make people feel obligated to attend. But I can totally understand less formal gatherings where something fun is done to reveal the baby gender. 

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    I think the whole huge party, invite everyone you know is a little over the top. I got invited to one, and on the invite it said they'd be having a raffle and if you wanted in to bring a package of diapers.. Not quite my style.

    However, we will be having a gender reveal sorta.. only with our families (parents, and siblings). This is the first grandchild on both sides. And both DH and I want our families to find out at the same time. So we are having a small family get together the day after we find out, having some cupcakes, and sharing the news. While yes our friends are excited for us to have a baby, they'll be just as happy with a text saying "its a boy!" or "its a girl!" Our families are as excited as we are to find out if it'll be a boy or girl. So I'm all for the family get together. 

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    I find them AW-ish. I wouldn't have one.

    But if a friend was having one, I'd go. I like free cake.  Yes

     This. Just an excuse for me to get free food! 

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    Eh, I'd go. I wouldn't have one, but honestly most things we do as mothers are awish, so I don't get your point. Some people are into pregnancy and baby things and some people just aren't. You should just expect that with everything, the announcement, the gender, the baby shower, the birth, hell even on to the 1st birthday.

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    I'd love to go to a gender reveal party! I think it's sad that some people feel that they don't have people in their lives who would care enough. When I got pregnant this time, friends and family were "begging" me to have a gender reveal party and to invite them. (we didn't have one). It's nice that people cared so much.

    Now, of course, there are people who go over-the-top, but that's with anything. A small get together with parents, IL's, siblings, best friends, etc,  is no biggie.

    Lilypie - (eo79)
     Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    I'm having a gender reveal party so that I don't have to worry about accidentally telling somebody who doesn't want to know. I set the party for the following Sunday after my doctor's appointment and told everybody the date / time. Told them to show up if they wanted to know otherwise they will have to ask me personally since I won't be sharing the info on social media sites like Facebook since parts of my family want to be surprised when the baby arrives.

    Wait, whut?  You are finding out the sex and telling people but other people have actually said they want to be surprised at the birth of your baby?  That's really odd.  

    OP, I 100% agree.  Don't get it.  At all.  

    Yeaaaaah.... that's kinda what I was thinkin' when I read that.

    I don't really understand the concept of gender reveal parties. I mean, I've seen videos posted and some people have really cute ideas and some of the attendees even look genuinely surprised & happy. But, I personally am not comfortable inviting a bunch of people over to watch me cut into a cake and see if the inside is blue or pink. What then? "oooh, ahhh, congrats!" .... and then what? You just sit around & discuss the baby to be? It just seems akward to me.

    We do plan on putting pink or blue balloons into a box and having our kids open it as a "fun for them" way of finding out if their having a baby sister or brother. But it will just be me, Dh, and my parents who live 2 houses away because they asked to come see the kids expressions. I will take pictures and make a quick video to keep for the memory aspect... but that's about as far as it goes for us.

    *Julie* Wife to Micheal and mama of 5, soon to be 6!* Pregnancy Ticker
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    Wait, whut?  You are finding out the sex and telling people but other people have actually said they want to be surprised at the birth of your baby?  That's really odd.  

    OP, I 100% agree.  Don't get it.  At all.  


    My father in law and his side of the family do not want to know for some reason. Mother in law's side of the family is all for Skypeing in though. I don't get it either.

    Father in law is trying to convince me not to find out until baby is here, but I am WAY too impatient for that. Plus I have adorable themes picked out and can't wait to start decorating. That and I want to knit a blue or pink blanket instead of a white/yellow/green/etc one. 

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    A gender reveal party is so NMS.  I don't care if other people have them, and I'd totally go, cuz ya know, cake!
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    No, some people feel the same.

    But my question is why you care SO much whether or not someone is having one? If you are invited to one, then don't go. If the host wants to spend his or her money for a party, then let them. It shouldn't matter to you what they do.

    I find people like you who get their undies in a bunch over what someone else decides to do quite amusing.

    I don't see her post as "panties in a bunch" at all. She's just seeing if others feel the same way. Honestly, I don't see the hype either. But to each his(or her) own.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Team "free cake"
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    Team "free cake"

    Now I want cake....
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    I can see wanting to tell a few close people in person -- like my parents and my DH's parents. But I would never make a huge production and invite tons of people. Still, if other people want to do it, I don't really care.


    Nov siggy challenge: animals eating Thanksgiving food

    BabyFruit Ticker
    Rhys - born 04.17.2013
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    I'm finding it kind of distasteful how many ladies would attend a party for free food instead of why they were invited. I mean, a work party maybe, but someone you are supposed to care about?
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    I'm finding it kind of distasteful how many ladies would attend a party for free food instead of why they were invited. I mean, a work party maybe, but someone you are supposed to care about?

    You're not serious, are you? I mean.. this isn't real, right? Someone please tell me she isn't being serious....

    *Julie* Wife to Micheal and mama of 5, soon to be 6!* Pregnancy Ticker
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    Hell yea I'm serious, buy your own damn cake if you don't give a sh!t about my babies gender. Fake ppl suck.
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    I'm finding it kind of distasteful how many ladies would attend a party for free food instead of why they were invited. I mean, a work party maybe, but someone you are supposed to care about?

    Oh, FFS.  You can't be serious.  Or maybe you can.  I always think to myself, people can't be this dumb.  And then a post like this pops up. Yes, yes they can. 

    Dumb? Pretentious maybe, holier than thou, but dumb is certainly not the correct adjective. Go get a thesaurus.
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    I think they're kinda silly, but I'm really big on throwing parties for whatever reason. I like cake, candy, and friends... :)
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    So you weren't serious when you said my comment was dumb? Oh, but you were, therefore, no sarcasm. Back to the drawing board you go, maybe something better than stupid? Meanie head.
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    So you weren't serious when you said my comment was dumb? Oh, but you were, therefore, no sarcasm. Back to the drawing board you go, maybe something better than stupid? Meanie head.

    Oh dear. Go back over the thread. What else could have been said out of sarcasm? Could it perhaps be the exact same comments that you find "distasteful?" Hence the comments about you not possibly being serious with your comment.  Idea

    *Julie* Wife to Micheal and mama of 5, soon to be 6!* Pregnancy Ticker
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