
Guys, I'm a bad mom:(

Today was a rough one. Dd basically whined and cried from 5:30am to bed time. She seems healthy but of course teething and for a few months now. Those motherfuckking teeth won't budge. I tried my best to occupy her, play, take walks and took her out to lunch. While doing all of these things I found myself looking at the clock hoping and praying bedtime would come faster. I feel bad for that. Also? In hopes to entertain her I put a puppet show on for her. One of the puppets was a police officer. Through out the show I realized I had the puppet telling dd if she didn't stop whining he was going to take her to baby jail. Yep, I'm an assshole. Please tell me I'm not the only mom who feels like this on days like this. Am I a jerk for counting down the hours til bed?

Re: Guys, I'm a bad mom:(

  • LOL @ baby jail.  Of course your not a bad mom.  Doing a puppet show for your crabby DD? Come on...that's awesome.  You were trying everything you could.  Nothing else you can do. 

    C is 3 years old

  • I know I'm only human, but damn, the guilt! I just didn't like her today. Love her to bits but just didn't like her.
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  • I sang to my DD while she was crying her eyes out that I was gonna cry too so if youre bad so am I. Hope DD feels better soon
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  • We've had 2 days this week where I was really going crazy, just whining and I had school work that needed to be finished and of course he would not take a nap! It happens. 
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  • Thanks guys, I feel better. She woke after only being asleep for 15 mins. It's 8pm and I just turned the coffee pot on. :::sigh::: wish me luck, it's gonna be a rough night.
  • I felt the same way today. I just didn't want to be around DS- and of course he wanted me to be his shadow all day. Then I spent all evening feeling guilty.
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  • imageCootieQueen170:
    We've had 2 days this week where I was really going crazy, just whining and I had school work that needed to be finished and of course he would not take a nap! It happens. 
    Hey lady! I can't imagine trying to concentrate on school work under these circumstances.
  • I'm dying at baby jail. We all have counted the hours until bedtime at some point. The garbage truck was coming down the street and I told my older boy that I was going to stick him out in the trash can. 
  • On Saturday, one of the only two full days I spend with her each week, I put DD to bed 1.5 hours early at 5:30 because I was tired of her. Granted, she was tired, but still. If counting down the hours makes you a bad mom, I'm pretty sure we're all bad moms from time to time.


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  • Thanks guys. Here's hoping tomorrow is better.
  • My kid turns into a monster when teething.  We just went through a week of tantrums that last for 45 minutes and involve LO pushing and yelling at us.  That mother effin' tooth finally broke through yesterday.

    At one point during one of his tantrums I had to put him in time out because of the pushing.  I felt awful because I know he was acting out due to discomfort, but he would not stop physically pushing me.  So I actually put my kid in baby jail.

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