January 2013 Moms


Did your DD have a great B-Day? 
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Re: Mest1215

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    oh my gosh...she had the BEST birthday ever, thank you for asking! we got her a big girl bike with training wheels and after a few tries, she was FLYING up and down our road. my neighbors must have been laughing like crazy at the pregnant lady running down the road saying "WAIT FOR MOMMY...SLOW DOWN" lol. we got her a monkey Cuddleuppet (and if you've never heard of it, google it! they are so stupid but she HAD to have one and loves it!). It was a great day. I cant believe how fast shes growing up, and in 6weeks, my DS will be 3!!! how the hell is that possible?? lol

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    Ooooh!  Sweet photos.  I totally just cracked up imagning a pregnant lady running down the road.

    I saw a commercial for the cuddleuppets the other day...lol.  Glad she liked it though.

    You are right how time flies.  DD is now giving me great big bear hugs and says "I love you Mommy" all the time.  I cannot believe I said this the other day, but I told DH I wanted her to stay 2 forever.  It didn't help that, that day I saw 2 teenage girls (must have been about 16-17) wearing WAY to much make-up, bleached blond hair, ripped jeans and smoking.  I thought....My daughter is going to become a teenage girl one day....Oh Boy.

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    i know what you mean, i love this age (for both my son and daughter). They are finally at the age where they are just sweet all the time, but yet old enough to take places and do fun things with and its not like taking a 'baby'. my friend had her baby on Wednesday, and it happened to be at the same hospital in the SAME room i had DD in, and i told her 'i know EVERYONE is going to tell you this, but its going to go by so fast. I feel like i was literally just here in your shoes, and now shes 4!". Its crazy how fast it goes. Im dreading the day she becomes a teenager...girls are brutal when the get older! and i told my DH he better hope this is a baby boy, bc other wise it will be him and my son against 3 women w/ PMS in the future haha! When is your DD's bday? Is she aware of the coming baby or is she totally clueless?? Sometimes i wish i wouldnt have told my DD bc everyday shes like "MOM..is the baby coming NOWWWW??? its been in there foorrreevvvveeerrr". Like, please child..tell me about it lol. 
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    DD is born in May, so she'll be about 2 years and 9 months when the baby comes.  She knows she is going to be a big sister and we are like "Aunty X is mama's big sister, just like you are going to be a big sister to baby" or "Cousin X is also a big sister, do you want to a like Cousin X?" 

    A friend of ours just had a baby and I was holding her and ever since DD saw that she asks to hold the baby, so I let her touch my tummy, but then she says "Baby Out!" and I try to explain that the baby is not ready to come out yet.

    Haha...3 girls with PMS.  So true, I have an older sister and DH is 1 boy with 3 sisters, so I am sure he is used to it.

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    that is sooooo cute!!! i love that age, when they are first vocalizing themselves. its like your first glimpse inside their lil minds lol. Do you feel like you know what you are having ( in know you are a fellow team green mama)?? I swear if this baby isnt a boy..then im crazy! i feel like its a boy so much, just for the fact the DD and DS pregnancies were NOTHING alike, and this is one is to the "T" of what it was like with DS. I obviously could care less either way, but for me, thats half the fun of the not finding out, is guessing the whole time! 


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    I really don't know.  I keep thinking girl.  But I don't know if you remember a few weeks ago I wrote a post about an older lady at my work told me I was having a boy...

    Well today I was talking to a fellow co-worker and she was like have you spoken to X and I said yeah, she said I was having a boy.  Well this co-worker said that X has been here for a LONG time (she is due to retire soon and I have only been her a year) and is a little psychic, she has never been wrong in any of her predictions...so........I don't know.....lol.


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