Hi Bumpies,
Welcome to Week 11! Use this questionnaire to introduce yourself.
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If none of those answer your question, or if you have any other questions or concerns while you're on our message boards, you can PM me or email me at community@thebump.com.
Screen name:
Due date:
What you do:
How you met your SO:
Fur babies:
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far:
Favorite book:
I've been on TB since...:
Something interesting about yourself:
How I like my potatoes:
Re: Welcome to Week 11! Intros...
Screen name: I think it's DJ1845
Due date: January 15, 2013
What you do: Budget Analyst
How you met your SO: Buffalo Wild Wings... seriously
Fur babies: 2 dogs (Goose and Sullivan) and 2 cats (Shyneki and Bubby)
Loves: Cooking
Hates: spoken word poetry
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: 1 craving, a hamburger at 6am
Favorite book: can't decide
I've been on TB since...: Week 4
Something interesting about yourself: hmmm
How I like my potatoes: Any way on a plate
Screen name: 2B_MRS_PVG (never changed it after the knot)
Due date: 1/19/13 (will probably be 1/14 though - c-section)
What you do: Marketing Manager
How you met your SO: eHarmony
Fur babies: one dog
Loves: my family
Hates: some lame people at work
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: carbs
Favorite book: don't have much time to read books... tend to stick to magazines and online
I've been on TB since...: my first pregancy 3 years ago
Something interesting about yourself: i have 2 step children and one little guy who's three... still keeping up exercise - running a little (it's been pretty difficult)
How I like my potatoes: try to avoid them at all costs... unless they are french fries... then I'll steal a couple off my kids plates
How you met your SO: Online
Fur babies: 11yr old Lab, 4 year old Boxer, 1 year old Malamute
Loves: Anything cold this hear is killing me!
Hates: This heat, it's okay to pray for snow in July right?
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Pickles, salad, and tomatoesFavorite book: Autumn seriesI've been on TB since...: I think around 7 weeksSomething interesting about yourself: I race in century rides, well not this summer =(
How I like my potatoes: anyway I can get them! (typical Irish girl)
Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.
Benjamin Franklin
Screen name: sheroics
Due date: 02/14/2012
What you do: Temp during pregnancy
How you met your SO: at a halloween party in college
Fur babies: 1 dog, 2 cats, and a turtle (no fur, I know!)
Loves: Inspirational Quotes
Hates: traffic on hot days
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: mac and cheese
Favorite book: umm... although i have a Fifty Shades baby (lol!), I can't really pick my fave! I've read about 10 books in the last 3 months.
I've been on TB since...: June, 2012!
Something interesting about yourself: My husband and I LOVE to travel, and we want to make that part of our baby's life also!
How I like my potatoes: mashed with beef gravy (great question!)
Screen name: Puck1182
Due date: Feb. 11, 2013
What you do: Internal auditor by day, librarian during evenings and weekends
How you met your SO: On the first day of 7th grade!
Fur babies: 1 dog (a pointer named Elvis, who stopped stomping all over my stomach right around the time I got pregnant - smart pup!) and 2 degus (Barnum and Bailey)
Loves: Reading, old movies, watching the night sky (seriously, I threw a Perseid party last year!)
Hates: Hmm... about 99% of reality TV
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: One night I *really* wanted Wacky Mac, but that's the only craving I've had so far.
Favorite book: Don't make me pick!!! (Although I do make it a point to re-read Madeleine L'Engle's kairos books - A Wrinkle in Time, etc. - every couple of years, so that series is a contender for sure!)
I've been on TB since...: Tonight!
Something interesting about yourself: My husband and I are big Doctor Who fans, which has resulted in us referring to the baby as Stormageddon. This greatly confuses most people.
How I like my potatoes: Twice baked.
Screen name: Not sure actually
Due date: Feb 15th 2013
What you do: Chef
How you met your SO: We met in 8th grade
Fur babies: Jack, our adorable little wiener dog
Loves: Chocolate and my husband
Hates: Inconsiderate people
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Everything! I'll have the strongest craving for something and then a minute later I have the strongest craving for something completely different.
Favorite book: I read lots of comic books, my favorite right now is Morning Glories
I've been on TB since...: Since week 4
Something interesting about yourself: My husband and I are big nerds, if we have a daughter, she will be named after a character from Superman, and if it's a boy, he'll be named after our favorite character from Lost.
How I like my potatoes: With ketchup!
Hi everyone, I'm new and this is my first post so....
Screen name: kirstenmhairi
Due date: 14th Feb 2013 (Valentine's!)
What you do: I'm an administration officer for a legal advisory firm
How you met your SO: Mutual friends
Fur babies: Our dog, Ezio
My baby!
Loves: Babies, home decor, the 1950s, dogs, baking, sewing and etsy!
Hates: Ignorance, arrogance, people who base happiness on material worth.
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: None- too busy feeling sick!
Favorite book: 'Jane Eyre' or 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'
I've been on TB since...: A few months I think, but this is my first post!
Something interesting about yourself: Fiance and I love space, and our children will be named after aspects of it. Our preferred daughters names include dwarf planets, and our preferred sons include stars!
How I like my potatoes: My Dad makes the best roast potatoes. When I'm feeling it though, i do love dauphinoise.
Screen name: Elope Me Now (need to change it from my knot days but I can't figure it out!)
Due date: 15th February, 2013
What you do: I was a river guide for Colorado River Discovery, but recently left. Currently unemployed until morning (all-day) sickness is gone =/
How you met your SO: At CMU Biological station on Beaver Island, in Lake Michiagn
Fur babies: Chance, our boxer/pit mix... such a baby!
Loves: Outdoors, nature, wildlife photography, babies
Hates: Ignorance
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Watermelon
Favorite book: A Walk in the Woods, by Bill Bryson
I've been on TB since...: I was on the knot 3 years ago, recently joined TB
Something interesting about yourself: Earned a BAA in Outdoor Recreation and Environmental Education
How I like my potatoes: Mashed or baked... But that changes daily now!!
Screen name: ortjl7
Due date: February 23, 2013
What you do: customer service
How you met your SO: at a bar (i know, don't meet someone at a bar, but he's amazing) we started singing karaoke together
Fur babies: jack russell- 2 years old & yorkie- 1 1/2 years old
Loves: my family & husband
Hates: being super tired all the time which I have been!
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: I haven't really had any besides maybe cherry coke which I'm so mad about because I barely ever drank pop before and now it always sounds good!
Favorite book: hmm.. I don't really have a favorite
I've been on TB since...: well I started on the knot last year, then the nest and now the bump
Something interesting about yourself: I'm not really that interesting
How I like my potatoes: As french fries, healthy I know. But they are my weakness!
Screen name: keel123
Due date: 3/1/13
What you do: Contracts/Sales Specialist
How you met your SO: I was best friends with his sister when we were kids and two years ago we bumped into each other and its been history ever since.
Fur babies: Non
Loves: Basketball, Clothes, TV
Hates: Inconsistency
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Soda
Favorite book: Don't have one
I've been on TB since...:
Something interesting about yourself: I'm 36 and when I have this baby I will be 37yrs.old.
How I like my potatoes: With seasoning
Screen name: I dont know im new at this lol
Due date: March 1st
What you do: Cook at a restaurant
How you met your SO: he was a DJ at a party
Fur babies: Puppy german sheppard
Loves: to sleep now a days
Hates: this heat specially at work
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: lemon with salt and lots of spicy
Favorite book: A child called it
I've been on TB since...: I was four weeks pregnant
Something interesting about yourself: This is my first child
How I like my potatoes: I cant stand the smell of potatoes right now unless they are mashed with gravy and a diner roll mmmm
Screen name: marylynhall
Due date: March 4, 2013
What you do: Paralegal/Legal Assistant
How you met your SO: College
Fur babies: None
Loves: God, My Fiancee & Track
Hates: Snakes
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Caffeine (Coke/Pepsi)
Favorite book: The Bible
I've been on TB since...: Around June 2012.
Something interesting about yourself: I am currently pursuing a double major in Law Office Administration and also in Accounting. I'll have 3 degrees in the same time that it usually takes a person to complete 1.
How I like my potatoes: Baked with a lot of butter, salt & pepper.
How you met your SO: He approached me while out shopping and asked me out for coffee. I thought he was the most adorable thing, and still do!
Fur babies: None.
Loves: History/documentaries, Bridezillas, horror movies.
Hates: Cooking dinner AND cleaning the kitchen afterwards (help please!)
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Soft pretzels and salsa con queso.Favorite book: Too many to choose from!I've been on TB since...: Last week!Something interesting about yourself: My sister and I are both pregnant, and she is one month ahead of me. These are my mom's first grand babies!
How I like my potatoes: Crinkle-cut!
hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well!
Screen name: kcasey1987
Due date: 3-13-13
What you do: I'm a Certified Pharmacy Technician
How you met your SO: In philosophy class in college 6 years ago
Fur babies: 1 dog, Lilly
Loves: learning about what's going on with baby, reading, learning new things about medications
Hates: Morning sickness (all day sickness for me) and rude people
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Chex Mix and baked potatoes
Favorite book: right now? I can't decide
I've been on TB since...: I joined when I joined the Knot a year ago
Something interesting about yourself: I used to be a figure skater but had to quit after an injury
How I like my potatoes: I love potatoes, baked with cheese and bacon or mashed or fried or boiled and put in a stew.
Screen name: BrillaintBruneeteJenny
Due date: 3/15/13
What you do: Stay at home mommy
How you met your SO: Highschool
Fur babies: 2 dogs (Sophie and Milo) 2 cats (Mister Kitty and Sam)
Loves: My dogs, reading and ofc my dd and so
Hates: ummm liver and onions???
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: meat, potatoes, and anything hot
Favorite book: Discovery of Witches atm
I've been on TB since...: about 6 weeks
Something interesting about yourself: that is a very good question
How I like my potatoes: any way sans Au Gratin
Screen name: SkyQuirk813
Due date: March 15th, 2013
What you do: Full-Time Beauty School Student
How you met your SO: His best friend at the time was dating my sister and he introduced us.
Fur babies: Pepper - Lab/Pitbull.
Loves: My boyfriend, My family, My ONE best friend, and my soon-to-be baby!
Hates: Irritating people & irritating questions.
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: PIZZA!
Favorite book: Burned by Ellen Hopkins.
I've been on TB since...:
Something interesting about yourself:
How I like my potatoes:
Pregnancy Quotes
Make a pregnancy ticker
Screen name: jyoung630 - never changed from TK
Due date: 03.29.13
What you do: Adminstrative Assistant/Receptionist
How you met your SO: we live in the same apartment complex and were introduced by a neighbor.
Fur babies: 1 - 12 year old terrier - Patches
Loves: reading, piano and DH and DS
Hates: needles, liars, and those who take advantage of others
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: pizza, milk, and cheese puffs
Favorite book: changes from week to week.
I have been on TB since...: July 2012
Something interesting about yourself: I have been ringing handbells since I was 9 years old and I still love it.
How I like my potatoes: au gratin or baked with butter and pepper.
Due date: April 3, 2013
What you do: Grad Student
How you met your SO: Facebook
Fur babies: none
Loves: Jesus, working with children, and singing
Hates: cats, hatred, and canned meat lol
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: ice cold anything
Favorite book: The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
I've been on TB since...: 09/11/2012
Something interesting about yourself: I'm a lover.
How I like my potatoes: anyway I can get em
Due date: 26th April
What you do: barmaid
How you met your SO: university
Fur babies: 2 rabbits, 1 staffy
Loves: animals,long walks,spending time with SO
Hates: fake people,pelvic floor exercises lol
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Mc Donalds
Favorite book: secret garden
I've been on TB since...: about 10 mins ago
Something interesting about yourself: i used to have a personal pilots licence
How I like my potatoes: jacket with chilli and salad
Screen name: erineg21
Due date: 4-23
What you do: director of a non profit
How you met your SO: thru a friend
Fur babies: 2 cats, 1 dog
Loves: fall in TX
Hates: summer
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: I could eat pizza everyday. And ice cream- I normally don't eat sweets
Favorite book: A Passage to India
I've been on TB since...: 10-8
Something interesting about yourself:
How I like my potatoes: mashed w/ plenty of butter
Screen name: MontanaPanda
Due date: May 7th, 2013 (Which is also my daughter's birthday!)
What you do: I am a SAHM, and I homeschool my two kids.
How you met your SO: On the internet, when I was 18, back before it was the cool thing to do!
Fur babies: A hamster named Rapunzel and a Dachshund named Chewbacca (aka Chewie)
Loves: My family, God, and coffee... but I have given up coffee while pregnant. *sigh*
Hates: When people are unsupportive, rude, and inconsiderate.
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Cocoa Pebbles... which is weird, because normally I am a health-food fanatic!
Favorite book: The Bible.
I've been on TB since...: About 5 minutes ago!
Something interesting about yourself: I drive a big, brightly colored van... my husband likes to paint, so it gets changed pretty often.
How I like my potatoes: I am originally from the spud fields of Idaho... so I will eat them baked, mashed, fried, sliced, diced... it doesn't matter!Screen name: Drocknlolo
Due date: 5/16/13
What you do: Assistant for fam business
How you met your SO: high school
Fur babies: Great Dane/St Bernard ... Diesel
Loves: playing volleyball and spending time with the hubby
Hates: bugs!!!
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: cheese curds from culvers
Favorite book: the Bible (Kjv)
I've been on TB since...: today wk 11
Something interesting about yourself: I got married at 18... And no, I wasn't pregnant
How I like my potatoes: twice baked mmmm :-P
May 20, 2013
I teach 10th grade English and AP literature
My husband met in college, but we do not know how!
Loves: Listening to music, teaching, traveling
Hates: Annoying, immature, insensitive people (lol)
Biggest Craving: I have not really had one yet
Favorite book: Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston
Been on TB since September 2012
Something interesting...I don't know
I like hashbrowns.
Screen name: EMLarie
Due date: May 23, 2013
What you do: Teacher
How you met your SO: In a bar!
Fur babies: 2 cats
Loves: TV, food, travelling
Hates: bad drivers, exiting an airplane, food that is the wrong temperature
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Pho
Favorite book: anything by Harlan Coben
I've been on TB since...: Around 5 weeks.
Something interesting about yourself: I'm a huge Hanson fan.
How I like my potatoes: Lately, mashed.
Screen name: ElisaElio
Due date: May 26, 2013
What you do: Catering Sales Manager
How you met your SO: At work
Fur babies: 2-Dogs ( Fluffy & Rocky)
Loves: Love pancake with bananas on saturday morning and a cheese omelette.
Hates: I hate when my food is cold
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Hot steamed chocolate milk
Favorite book: I don't really like to read. If I read I read the Bible
I've been on TB since...: 2006
Something interesting about yourself: Love to cook and play with my dogs.
How I like my potatoes: I don't really care about potatoes
Screen name: LovestruckAJ
Due date: June 1, 2013
What you do: Full time student
How you met your SO: He was my twin sister's, boyfriend's best friend.
Fur babies: Sissy & Charlie...they're little dogs.
Loves: Art, yoga, learning.
Hates: Self-righteousness
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Cereal. Nothing too crazy yet.
Favorite book: Unsure.
I've been on TB since...: 2009
Something interesting about yourself: I am an identical twin. Also, I have made the decision that I will be going through nursing school pregnant. Eeek. (I was going to put it off a semester, but this process has taken long enough).
How I like my potatoes: Loaded!
EDD 07/29/2017
Screen name: Queenjazz83 i think
Due Date: May 30, 2012
What U Do: Shiftleader at fast food joint / student
How U Met Your SO: When my girlfriend picked me up from work he is her 1st cuz
Fur Babies: 3yr old American Pittbull - Midnight
Loves: my family, eating lol, reading and lately sleeping. I also like to travel and want to travel the world
Hates: Arrogant people and fake people
Biggest pregnancy craving so far: Mexican fod
Favorite Book: too many to name
Ive been on TB since: about 9 1/2 weeks
Something interesting about me: Im 29 and this is the furthest I have ever made in a pregnancy after 6 miscar. WISH ME LUCK!!!!
How I like my potatoes: anyway except Au Gratin
Screen name: Mrsfispego
Due date: June 9, 2013
What you do: Registered Nurse
How you met your SO: out on the town
Fur babies: none:(
Loves: boating, vacationing, going to lake
Hates: bad drivers
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: cheese and banana bread
Favorite book: too many to just pick one
I've been on TB since...: today!
Something interesting about yourself: this is my first child with my husband, we were lucky enough to get pregnant just four months after our wedding!
How I like my potatoes: in the form of a french fry
Screen name: bkran30
Due date: June 25,2013
What you do: I work full time at an event/rental company
How you met your SO: Previous job
Fur babies: 0 but we have 15 African Cichlids
Loves: music, movies, laughing with friends
Hates: Nickelback haha
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: pineapple
Favorite book:
I've been on TB since...: a couple days ago
Something interesting about yourself: My husband and I just got married in June this year.
How I like my potatoes: cheesy
Screen Name: DestinySara
Due Date: june 26th, 2013
What you do: Cake decorating/library
How I met my SO: Park walk
Fur Babies: 1 dog, 1 cat. both old
Hates: peppy people/most family
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: cheeseburger, fries, tomatoes
Favorite Book: Anything by Rick Riordan
I've been on TB since: april 2012.
Something interesting about yourself: I speak 2 langs. I can read hieroglyphs too.
How I my potatoes: hmm ask me when the m/s stops.
Screen name: Tracababe15
Due date: June 29th 2013
What you do: Motor Vehicle Manager / Fleet Manager
How you met your SO: On the boardwalk in seaside heights nj
Fur babies: 2 Cats POOKEY, Little GUY, And A dog Named Roxy
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Vinigar, antipasta salads, macaroni salad..
Favorite book: valkarly word war II book
I've been on TB since.. 2010
Something interesting about yourself: fun
How I like my potatoes: Mashed with Garlic bacon and cheese...
Screen name:jaina something, I don't remember
Due Date: June 30, 2013
What you do: Family Daycare Provider
How you met your SO: grew up together in church
Fur Babies: Buffy (Shih-tzu) , Duke (*** hound), & Woody(lab/retriever)
Loves: music
Hates: bills
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: ice cream (went to sherbert)
Favorite book: Bible
I've been on TB since: Oct. 2012
Something interesting about yourself: I'm 41, this is baby 4, my other kids are 15, 10, 6-Surprised to be pregnant again-thought my time was up. Been married 17 yrs.
How I like my potatoes: Hash Browns with hot mustard sauce-yes! Love anything with a kick to it.
Screen name: ChelseaR22
Due Date: July 4th, 2013
What you do: Server
How you me your SO: Childhood friends
Fur Babies: none
Loves: walks on the beach, going out to dinner, movies, playing poker!
Hates: cruel people, broccoli,
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Peanut butter
Fav book: 50 shades of grey
I've been on TB since: Today! 12/16/2012
Something interesting about yourself: Gonna be a single mom with twins!
How you like your potatoes: mashed with ranch dressing... yummy!
Screen name: I dont remember. Damn pregnancy brain.
Due Date: July 15th, 2013
What you do: Recruiter
How you me your SO: online, Yahoo! Chat 2003
Fur Babies: One. A 18 month old Pit - Riddick
Loves: Reading salacious gossip, Skyping with my friends who live in the Bay Area, and shopping
Hates: Rude people.
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: Salty, crunchy
Fav book: Sex with the Queen
I've been on TB since: 11/10/2012
Something interesting about yourself: I dont guff from no one, however, when it comes to my hubby, I am a big ol' softy
How you like your potatoes: fried!
Screen name: jhaferkamp
Due date: 8/8/13
What you do: I do freelance work for a publishing company and work from home
How you met your SO: On a date with someone else, first at a birthday party, then the following week at Oktoberfest while still on a date with the same guy! A few weeks later my friend told him I wasn't seeing that guy anymore, so he contacted me, we met up for drinks with some friends and hit it off right away!
Fur babies: 3 geriatric cats: Trixie, Sammy and Wolfie.
Loves: Good food!
Hates: cleaning up cat barf (blech!)
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: I have similar cravings that I had before (salty chips) but my WEIRDEST craving was for salty, sour stuff like pimento stuffed olives...and then cider vinegar! I chopped up some green apple, poured cider vinegar over it and devoured it! Weirdly enough I started sweating while I was eating it...go figure!
Favorite book: It depends on my mood but I a couple I really love are Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind and Wizard and Glass by Stephen King (and not just because of 'Wizard' in the title!)
I've been on TB since...: about 10 days ago?
Something interesting about yourself: I was born & raised in Hawaii and moved to Upstate NY w/my husband and cats just over a year ago, and we love it here!
How I like my potatoes: French fried, KFC style (another craving!)
Screen name: nappychic
Due date: 8-18-13
What you do: educator
How you met your SO: church
Fur babies: 0
Loves: Food, exercise, books, cartoons
Hates: folding laundry and dusting
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: cheeseburgers
Favorite book: Dark Tower Series by S. King
I've been on TB since...: today
Something interesting about yourself: I love tattoos
How I like my potatoes: Any way but raw
Due date: Aug. 23, 2010
What you do: house wife
How you met your SO: he was a roommate of one of my buddies
Fur babies: 2 dogs Ace and Cowgirl
Loves: horses, reading, spending time with family
Hates: scorpions
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: bread and peanut butter and sprite
Favorite book: palmino
I've been on TB since...:
Something interesting about yourself:
Used to train horses
How I like my potatoes: baked
Due date: Aug 24 2013
What you do: stay at home mom
How you met your SO: high school sweethearts
Fur babies:
Loves: A good book, the beach and good food
Hates: feeling nauseas all the time
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: subs
Favorite book: the help
I've been on TB since...: week 7
Something interesting about yourself: I was born in Chile and grew up on Cape Cod, MA
How I like my potatoes: home fries :
Screen name: Zombierayvinn
Due date: September 1,2013
What you do: CNA
How you met your SO: Family
Fur babies: 3 dogs, 2 mini dashchunds, 1 doberman pincher
Loves: Hanging out with hubby, and my baby girl
Hates: taking care of 30 plus patients by myself
Biggest pregnancy cravings so far: pickles and ranch
Favorite book: PS I love you
I've been on TB since...: Week 7
Something interesting about yourself: I good at cooking new stuff
How I like my potatoes: Fried in butter and garlic