Working Moms

pregnant while interviewing success!

I've seen a lot of posts about pregnant while interviewing, with seemingly mixed results.  I thought this might encourage some of you - I'm a lawyer and interviewed at 30 weeks for the first interview, and 37 weeks for the second interview.  I didn't address my pregnancy at the first interview at all.  The second interview was with a woman about my age, and she asked when I was available to start.  Since I was bursting at the seams in my maternity suit, I pointed to my belly and said, "well, obviously, I have something going on here" and we both had a good laugh. I said I was flexible, but depending on when they made their decision, I would love to have a reasonable period of time at home.  I ended up getting the offer 2 weeks later and negotiated a start date that allowed me 14 weeks at home with my baby (I start my new position in a couple weeks!)  Bottom line, don't let your pregnancy stop you from looking, the right employer will not care and will work with you regarding leave, etc.  Best of luck to all you ladies who are job searching!!
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