August 2011 Moms

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly of Lincoln's Birthday

Yesterday was Lincoln's birthday. Here is a rundown:

The Good: Woke up to discover Lincoln had been accepted for the birthday shout-out segment of the morning news! Exciting! I did manage to prepare his favorite dinner and he enjoyed TWO cupcakes!

The Bad: I had to run my brother all over town to try to find a job so Lincoln spent a good portion of his day in the carseat while we ran errands. Hate that! Lincoln also opened the stall door while I was mid-wipe at the grocery store. Naturally there was another family inside.

The Ugly: Upon returning home, I tripped over my dog's leash while carrying Lincoln. I tried my best to brace us for impact but there was no way around it. Poor Lincoln smacked his head on the concrete. I totally panicked, called the doctor, fretted, etc. Praise God(!) he was totally fine but of course ten years were taken off my life! After getting situated my brother says to me, "Oh gross you're bleeding everywhere!" I look down and I had ripped through both leggings when I fell. I tried to pull them off but my skin was still attached. So, I had to cut off my favorite leggings. I had forgotten how painful skinned knees are! My elbow has seen better days, too. Not two days ago a girlfriend's son fell over in his highchair and he instantly had a hematoma. The local hospital told her he had a 2mm bleed behind his skull so even though Lincoln was fine, I thought I was going to die 1,000 deaths. Ugh!


Hopefully his party goes over a lot smoother tomorrow! 



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