August 2011 Moms

Reading Update.. lil bit of AW!

So about a week or so ago there was a post about reading to your LO. I loved that post because I could have written it myself. ( Feeling like you were not reading enough to your LO). There were a lot of ideas ( reading while they were playing, in the bath).

Well I just wanted to say IT WORKED!!!! Thank you!! E and I were playing of the floor and he got up walked over to his bookshelf and brought a book to me sat on my lap and we read the book together! I cried!! :)

Thank you again for the ideas!

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Re: Reading Update.. lil bit of AW!

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    That is so sweet! Tonight I read to DD while she played. I think I may continue to do this. Sometimes she will sit in my lap but not always.
    Ella 8.6.11
    Carson 3.28.13
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    That is so sweet! Tonight I read to DD while she played. I think I may continue to do this. Sometimes she will sit in my lap but not always.


    That is awesome! E doesn't like to sit on my lap often and he closed the book a few times but he kept bringing it back and put it my hands so I just kept opening it and reading it!!


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    S-TunaS-Tuna member

    That is so sweet!

    We read before naps and at bedtime. I usually give DS one of those travel pillows (that you can buy at the airport, you know, the kind filled with little beads) to squish around while I read. That way his hands are busy so he can't try to close the book. We also read a bunch of "Touch and Feel" books to keep his hands busy.

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    Awwwww yay! A beautiful moment you will never forget.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    OMG I am so glad you shared this! That is so great! I read that post too and felt like a terrible mom because I didn't read that much to DS.  I started just reading no matter what he was going and HE DID THE SAME THING.  He has now brought me a book for the last 3 nights wanting me to read to him. YAY! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker photo15Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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