Food Allergy

Dietary changes during pregnancy to (possibly) prevent allergies?

What does the latest research on this show? Can avoiding things like dairy in the third trimester potentially help prevent allergies? DH and I are thinking of TTC #2 in the near future (not super near... maybe another 6 months) - and I will be honest, the thought of having another child with severe allergies really scares me. It's a lot to manage DS's allergies and diet as it is. 

So has anyone tried? Or think it would be worth trying? Obviously we didn't 'cause' the allergies in our LOs or anything like that; but if there is a predisposition we are aware of, perhaps there are steps that might help mitigate it?

I also feel like having a C-sec and group B strep probably worked against us since DS not only didn't receive 'good' bacteria, he got a big dose of abx to wipe out whatever he did have. But maybe that's just the conspiracy theorist in me. 

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Re: Dietary changes during pregnancy to (possibly) prevent allergies?

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    I was scared too when i was pregnant with DS2 and my allergist just told me to have everything in moderation.  I did and so far so good.  I ate PB, eggs, milk, soy like it was going out of style with DS1.. and he is/was allergic to all those and then some and i ate the same things (minues PB) when pregnant with DS2 and he hasn't shown any signs of allergies.  good luck! don't avoid completely, just don't over eat things eather. Instead of having a glass of milk, have some yogurt so you're still having dairy, just not straigh cows milk
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    LSU628LSU628 member
    B/c of DD #1's milk protien allergy and it interfering with BFing (she screamed, wouldn't latch, spit up, broke out in a rash), her allergist wants me to cut out all dairy a month before my due date. We will slowly reintroduce dairy and the allergist will monitor me and baby #2. Talk with your allergist and see what they think on the topic.
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