August 2011 Moms

DD fractured her arm and is now in a cast :(

On Saturday, we were outside playing at DH's parents' mountain house, and DD stumbled on an uneven spot on the deck and fell.  She cried pretty hard for about 15 minutes and then she was back to playing and having fun, so DH and I weren't worried at all.  Within an hour she was running around like her normal self and we went to the lake and she had a great time playing.  But the next day, we noticed she was avoiding using her arm to brace herself and wouldn't put any weight on it at all.  There was no swelling or bruising anywhere, not even a hint of an injury, so we decided we would pack up and head home, and call the pedi on Monday if she was still avoiding using it.  Well, the pedi sent her for x-rays and it is broken!  She had to get a cast on her arm yesterday, from hand to shoulder.  I feel so awful that we didn't go to the doctor sooner.

She is getting around pretty well, but she is having a lot of trouble getting comfortable going to sleep with the cast.  And any progress we've made with weaning is probably going to go right out the window because she is nursing a lot for comfort.  ::sigh:: my poor baby!  Anyone else have any experience with a baby or toddler who has been in a cast?  Any tips for getting through the next four weeks until it comes off?

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Re: DD fractured her arm and is now in a cast :(

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    No advice, just hope she gets better soon!

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    Also no advice.  Hope she heals up quick! 
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    My Cousins LO was in a full leg cast at age 2.  She said just gotta wait it out.  The good thing is, is that babies heal a lot faster than we do so it shouldn't be to long.  Hugs to you both!
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    Oh no! That's terrible. Please don't beat yourself up, kids are so resilient and it's hard to know how bad something truly is. It sounds like she's one tough cookie and can take a hit. Hope she feels better. I bet she looks cute with the cast.
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    Kendall has been in a cast already.  She had surgery when she was 4 months old to remove a 6th toe and they put her in a cast all the way up to her butt.  I felt horrible for her.  She did the same thing, she nursed more often for comfort is what I assumed.  Thankfully she wasn't mobile when she was in the cast.  The worst was the looks people would give us when we were out.  I'm sure people thought we were bad parents since she was so small.

    Word of advice, make sure they let you hold her when they cut the cast off.  And that they give her cover for her ears.  The noise and saw scared Kendall.  She cried and so did I.

    Hope your little one gets better soon.

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    No advice but omg poor baby! :::HUGS::: and hope it heals quickly.
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    Oh no! Hope everything heals up well!

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    Oh no! That's terrible. Please don't beat yourself up, kids are so resilient and it's hard to know how bad something truly is. It sounds like she's one tough cookie and can take a hit. Hope she feels better. I bet she looks cute with the cast.

    All of this!

    Hopefully she can get used to the cast soon and heal up quickly. 

    This is exactly what DH and I keep telling ourselves.  Four weeks is short compared to the 3 months it would take an adult to heal.  And for a cast, it is pretty cute - it's hot pink :)

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    Kendall has been in a cast already.  She had surgery when she was 4 months old to remove a 6th toe and they put her in a cast all the way up to her butt.  I felt horrible for her.  She did the same thing, she nursed more often for comfort is what I assumed.  Thankfully she wasn't mobile when she was in the cast.  The worst was the looks people would give us when we were out.  I'm sure people thought we were bad parents since she was so small.

    Word of advice, make sure they let you hold her when they cut the cast off.  And that they give her cover for her ears.  The noise and saw scared Kendall.  She cried and so did I.

    Hope your little one gets better soon.

    Your poor baby!  I couldn't imagine going through this at four months, she was still so little and squishy back then!  I keep thinking the same thing, that people are going to give us the worst looks like we were negligent parents, or worse.  

    We had an awful casting experience and the doctor who put it on screwed up and she was screaming as it dried because it was pinching her hand.  Thank god the hand and arm specialist happened to come into the casting room and he took the saw and cut it off and re-casted it himself.  It was really loud and she was scared.  We were both crying, too.  But I do feel like the second time the job was done right, so I'm grateful for that.

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    S-TunaS-Tuna member
    Poor baby! I hope she has a speedy recovery.
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    Oh how sad!! Poor baby!!! :(
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    Poor kid!  I hope she's on the mend quickly!
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    Like others no advice, just a sypmathetic ear echoing the sentiments. Thankfully 4 weeks will go by fast, hopefully just long enough to get used to seeing her arm casted and then realize it's coming off soon :)
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    Thank you to everyone for your kind words, it means so much to me!  DD seems to be adapting to the cast really well, so hopefully the next four weeks fly by.  And then it will be - EEK! - first birthday time for her!  Thank you again!! :)
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    Poor thing.  My son had a cast same thing hand to shoulder 2x at 6m and 12m.  Socks!  They will keep it clean all day, I bought a bag of tube socks and changed 1-2 times daily.  Otherwise food and everything else will get on it.  Dampness is no fun, the 2nd time my son wound up BACK in hospital for 5 days with staff infection.  

    Sock also prevents it from bothering net armpit. With a girl go fun socks!  Plastic bags when bathing.  We did showers for him in kitchen sink.  Good luck!  

    LilySlim Weight loss tickers
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    Oh no! Poor baby! I hope the next 4 weeks go by fast!
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    eesomeeesome member

    Oh no! Poor girl!

    My son fractured his leg and was in a cast when he was only 20 months old. :(
    We were going down the curly slide together, and at the end of the curl he kicked his leg out and it bent all the way back and broke. HEARTBREAKING.

    But-- he learned how to move around with it, and did okay. I actually saved the cast because it was so small and cute. :)

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    Poor thing.  My son had a cast same thing hand to shoulder 2x at 6m and 12m.  Socks!  They will keep it clean all day, I bought a bag of tube socks and changed 1-2 times daily.  Otherwise food and everything else will get on it.  Dampness is no fun, the 2nd time my son wound up BACK in hospital for 5 days with staff infection.  

    Sock also prevents it from bothering net armpit. With a girl go fun socks!  Plastic bags when bathing.  We did showers for him in kitchen sink.  Good luck!  

    The sock idea is great, I didn't think of that!  We are being extremely careful about getting it wet, we ordered a fully submersible drycast cover that the doctor recommended so we can at least shower her off.  It's HOT here this summer, so she gets a little stinky :)  Thanks for the tip!

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    Oh no! Poor girl!

    My son fractured his leg and was in a cast when he was only 20 months old. :(
    We were going down the curly slide together, and at the end of the curl he kicked his leg out and it bent all the way back and broke. HEARTBREAKING.

    But-- he learned how to move around with it, and did okay. I actually saved the cast because it was so small and cute. :)

    Oh my goodness, that's terrible!  My mom's boss was just telling her how he fell down the stairs carrying his son when he was a baby and broke his leg.  He said he never felt so bad.  I can't even imagine!

    You are right, though, she is already getting around almost like it's not even there.  And I'm totally saving the cast - when she's older, she'll never believe that her arm was that tiny! :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    Oh no! I hope she heals quickly!
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