April 2012 Moms

How many times do you pump at work?

I go back tomorrow and am hoping to only pump twice a day. I pump in the mornings and get between six and ten oz. I don't know how much milk I can  get midday. My bf said she had to pump five times a day. I am being realistic with my expectation?
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Re: How many times do you pump at work?

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    I only pumped twice a day when I went back to work after DS.  That is what I plan on when I go back on Thursday.
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    MrsE05MrsE05 member
    Not sure but I only plan on pumping twice a day.  I don't really have any time to pump any more than that.  
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    I pump twice a day. It is working out well for me so far.
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    I work 12 hour shifts plus about 45 min commute each way. I pump when I get to work around 645, then around 1030, around 2, and around 530. Im not feeling engorged when I pump but I try to pump once for every bottle LO eats while I'm gone.

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    I'm not back at work until next week, but based on what I did with DD1 I will start off pumping three times (morning and afternoon breaks, plus lunch).  I may try to also pump while driving to and from work, since I recently bought a hands free pumping bra.

    I have supply issues though, and need to try to pump as much as possible.  I would crap my pants if I got 10oz in one session! 

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    I'm not back at work until next week, but based on what I did with DD1 I will start off pumping three times (morning and afternoon breaks, plus lunch).  I may try to also pump while driving to and from work, since I recently bought a hands free pumping bra.

    I have supply issues though, and need to try to pump as much as possible.  I would crap my pants if I got 10oz in one session! 

    Haha, don't crap your pants on the way to work.

    I think I have a lot of milk, but in my head that means he eats a lot of milk, but for now I don't know how much he eats. I guess I can always pump once in the evenings too, if need be. 

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm not back at work until next week, but based on what I did with DD1 I will start off pumping three times (morning and afternoon breaks, plus lunch).  I may try to also pump while driving to and from work, since I recently bought a hands free pumping bra.

    I have supply issues though, and need to try to pump as much as possible.  I would crap my pants if I got 10oz in one session! 

    Haha, don't crap your pants on the way to work.

    I think I have a lot of milk, but in my head that means he eats a lot of milk, but for now I don't know how much he eats. I guess I can always pump once in the evenings too, if need be. 

    SOSOSOSO jealous.  I only get 1/2 an ounce to an ounce of each breast when I pump.  I pump 2x's a day at work (but I get to go home at lunch and nurse the baby) then I pump once before bed.  If I am lucky she will have 1 bm bottle a day and 3 formula bottles.  *sigh*  (I dream and wish and hope to be a better producer one day)




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    Every 4 hours after LO's am feed (usually3x). I pumped during my hour commute when necessary. I have 3 sets of pump parts that live in gallon bags. It saves me a ton of cleaning time at work. I'd love to have 6 sets! My pump bag can hold all 3 sets but not the cooler.

    ETA good luck! 

    Micah Leonard
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    I'm not back at work until next week, but based on what I did with DD1 I will start off pumping three times (morning and afternoon breaks, plus lunch).  I may try to also pump while driving to and from work, since I recently bought a hands free pumping bra.

    I have supply issues though, and need to try to pump as much as possible.  I would crap my pants if I got 10oz in one session! 

    Haha, don't crap your pants on the way to work.

    I think I have a lot of milk, but in my head that means he eats a lot of milk, but for now I don't know how much he eats. I guess I can always pump once in the evenings too, if need be. 

    SOSOSOSO jealous.  I only get 1/2 an ounce to an ounce of each breast when I pump.  I pump 2x's a day at work (but I get to go home at lunch and nurse the baby) then I pump once before bed.  If I am lucky she will have 1 bm bottle a day and 3 formula bottles.  *sigh*  (I dream and wish and hope to be a better producer one day)




    How long are you pumping? Try waiting for a second letdown. I just discovered this yesterday. I am pumping once in the a.m. after baby nurses and I get 6-10 oz. Then I am pumping 3x at work and I got 13.5 oz yesterday but I only pumped 2x at work today and got 11oz. 

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    I go back in August and will only pump 2x a day, 3 max. I will make up in the mornings or weekends if I'm short on keeping up with LO.
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    I was pumping before I left, and twice at work and my supply was doing well, but then she started preferring the bottle due to oversupply issues.  dd is a strong sucker and she preferred to suck hard with a bottle versus getting it down her throat.  Luckily I never had to revert to that, and I was able to eventually get her to give in to the boob.  (This was hard to see happen since she was always such a comfort feeder)  

    So, now I cut out my morning session and pump twice at work like I was, plus I'll pump a little off before leaving.  I had to really work on reducing my supply to.  

    Interestingly, she's usually home with dh, and will only eat 5-7 ounces a day, but on the days she goes to the babysitter she eats 12-15 ounces a day.  I can keep up with her supply for the babysitter, but when I do that I get oversupply, so I've succumbed to the fact that I will have to take a small hit on my supply when she goes to the babysitter. If I need to I'll just have to increase supply later.   

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    I can only pump during my half hour lunch break. I can cover her all of her daycare bottles in that one pump, I send 14 oz, she takes typically 7 oz as I nurse before work and nurse when I pickup. Today I nursed at lunchtime so she didn't nurse when I picked her up so I pumped. She goes 4 hrs in between feedings. I typically freeze 50-60 oz a week. I do not pump at all on weekends. I've been,back to work since May 15.
    Sorry no paragraphs, bumping from my phone.
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    i pump 3 times. 9, 12 and 3. Thats about when Kylie eats according to her daycare report cards everyday. If i didn't pump that many times i would never have enough bottle for the next day.

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    I've been pumping two or three times at work.  I'm usually there for 9-10 hours and my LO takes 12-16 oz when I'm away.  I have been getting 12-18 oz at work with my sessions and I also do an extra pump in the morning every day after his first feed.  I get 4-6 oz on that pump so I always am ahead a little so I can build a stash.  


    Oh and I usually get 7-9 oz at my first pump (usually 10:30 to 11:00) and 3-4 for my other two. 

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    My work is awesome and lets me pump for 20mins every 2 hours. So depending on the length of my shift I pump 2-4 times in one work day.

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    mumegsmumegs member

    I have been pumping twice a day, every 4 hours. She eats 3 times when I'm gone, 3 oz each time, but I am able to pump enough for those 3 feedings by pumping both sides twice, so it works out. I also pump one side in the morning after her long sleep (she eats off the other side) and I can get a good 3 oz from that so it's like an extra in case she has a hungry day.

    You will find out quickly how many oz he takes while you're gone, and you should be able to adjust your schedule. If you're pumping 10 oz a session you may just need to pump once and then again if you are getting uncomfortable later. My LO only eats about 9 oz in the time that I'm gone. Also I've tried to make my last pumping at like 2 or 3 so I have enough to nurse her when I get home. I can usually get 6 oz for my morning pump and about 4 in the afternoon, so you probably will get slightly less in the afternoon when you pump.

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