Baby Showers

Want a BUMP at my Shower...

Ok so this is waayyy early (I'm only 5wks) but as my EDD is in very early Feb I had some questions/concerns about planning my future shower.

With the holidays eating up much of my later months (& all of the expenses that go along with them) I was trying to find dates that might work, but it's been hard. I want people to have time off from work if needed, & don't want to add more stress to the holidays with a shower in the middle, so I was thinking a week after the New Year... but slight premies are common for women in my family & I don't want to go into labor at my shower!!

On the flip side, I am about 40lbs overweight & am terrified if I do it before the holidays begin (month 6 or so) I'll just look fat & not preggo :-(. I gained quite a bit over the past year due to a back injury limiting my exercise, & am very self conscious about my body now. I just want a cute, perfect, firm little bump to show off at my shower!!

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Re: Want a BUMP at my Shower...

  • You should probably discuss with your host to see what dates/time of year work for you both. 
  • eav2ceav2c member
    I would let whoever is hosting your shower discuss this with you when the time is right. I don't think there is truly anything to be concerned about. With that said, it is incredibly tacky to throw your own shower and you made it sound like you might actually be the one planning it.
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  • As much as I would love to just leave this to my host, she asked me to choose the date! I don't want to wait too long & make it hard for her to organize, & I want to ensure I am taking my family's likely availability (work-wise & financially) into consideration. Much of my extended family is poor, so paying for gas to drive out to a shower right before Christmas could be hard on them. I want my shower to be a joyous celebration, not an inconvenient hassle.
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  • imageshellifranks:
    As much as I would love to just leave this to my host, she asked me to choose the date! I don't want to wait too long & make it hard for her to organize, & I want to ensure I am taking my family's likely availability (work-wise & financially) into consideration. Much of my extended family is poor, so paying for gas to drive out to a shower right before Christmas could be hard on them. I want my shower to be a joyous celebration, not an inconvenient hassle.

    You can't completely avoid the holidays with a Feb due date. People can be broke afterwards or strictly budgeting beforehand. It's sweet of you to consider your family.

    Would you consider a meet the baby party late in February/early March? 
  • You're 5 weeks along and you're worrying about this?  :::eye roll:::
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  • trojastrojas member

    As much as I would love to just leave this to my host, she asked me to choose the date! I don't want to wait too long & make it hard for her to organize, & I want to ensure I am taking my family's likely availability (work-wise & financially) into consideration. Much of my extended family is poor, so paying for gas to drive out to a shower right before Christmas could be hard on them. I want my shower to be a joyous celebration, not an inconvenient hassle.

    Call my crazy, but isn't it too soon to worry about this?  


  • imagetrojas:

    As much as I would love to just leave this to my host, she asked me to choose the date! I don't want to wait too long & make it hard for her to organize, & I want to ensure I am taking my family's likely availability (work-wise & financially) into consideration. Much of my extended family is poor, so paying for gas to drive out to a shower right before Christmas could be hard on them. I want my shower to be a joyous celebration, not an inconvenient hassle.

    Call my crazy, but isn't it too soon to worry about this?  

    It is.  Just please don't do "save the date" cards just cause you picked a date 6 months in advance!  I'd aim for a January shower or early December depending on which end of Feb you're due in. 

  • I don't want to be a party pooper, however, no matter how much you want it, you may never get that perfect bump you crave.  Pregnancy is nothing like what you want it to be.  Pick a date and don't worry about what your body will look like.
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  • My sister was due 2/27 and I threw her shower 1/16. It was perfect. 
    Single Mother by Choice. Life didn't work out the way I planned so I did it on my own. IUI #s 1-3, unmedicated = BFN, IUI #s 4-6, 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel = BFN IVF #1: 23R, 20M, 17F. 5 day transfer 2 blasts. 2 Snowbabies BFP 6dp5dt, Beta #1 7dp5dt = 58, Beta #2 9dp5dt = 114, Beta #3 10dp5dt = 187 1st Ultrasound = 5/3, not much to see yet. 2nd Ultrasound = 5/17, TWINS!!! Hospital Bed Rest at 32 weeks due to pre-ecclampsia and severe edema. Audrey Grace, 5lbs9oz, & Lydia Louise, 6lbs, born via emergency c-section on 12/6/12 at 36w1d My IVF Journey
  • imageLiz4444:
    I don't want to be a party pooper, however, no matter how much you want it, you may never get that perfect bump you crave.  Pregnancy is nothing like what you want it to be.  Pick a date and don't worry about what your body will look like.

    I was thinking this too.  Especially if you're carrying the 40lbs around the stomach area, the perfect little bump may still have some padding on it.

    And before anyone jumps my a$$, with my second baby, whom I got pregnant with 4 months after my first died, I was still carrying weight around my middle that I hadn't lost from the previous pregnancy, and my bump didn't get "cute" until about 2 weeks before I delivered.   There was still flab on top of it.  Hard underneath, yes, and no one could really tell but me, but it wasn't the fairy tale bump in bare stomach maternity photos.

    Oh and it's way too early to stress out over a shower.  You've already told people you're pregnant?  You've known for like a week and a half...

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  • I think I was in an especially good mood last night. Normally, I'd eyeroll this a bit. lol 
  • imageCranang:

    Oh and it's way too early to stress out over a shower.  You've already told people you're pregnant?  You've known for like a week and a half...

    This was my first thought.   

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  • Well, first off ditto to PPs about eye rolls

    But, I was due Feb 25 and had two showers (I lived in AZ and had lots of friends/ family there and moved back to TX in Dec), one was the week after Thanksgiving, and then I had another one in TX on like Jan 16. It was fine.

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  • imagemorethancottoncandy:

    Oh and it's way too early to stress out over a shower.  You've already told people you're pregnant?  You've known for like a week and a half...

    This was my first thought.   

    All of this.  You are barely pregnant, many women don't even know they are pregnant at this point.  You are putting the cart way before the horse.  Instead of worrying about a baby shower and the perfect "bump" (umm... superficial much?), you should be worrying about taking care of yourself and having a healthy pregnancy.  You have a long way to go in your first trimester.

    With my first, she was due Feb. 19. I had her the 26th.  My shower was in the middle of January. It was fine.

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  • You are 5 weeks along. This should not be a concern yet. Geeze, the things people worry about ....

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    "Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.” — Charles Dickens


  • imageMandJS:

    OP - I agree with everyone else. You have the cart WAY before the horse here. At less than 6 weeks, you aren't even guaranteed to have a viable pregnancy. Hopefully you do, but seriously? Wait a few more weeks, at least. Then just pick a date - whatever you want. But do NOT send out save the dates. And seriously? You want a "bump" at your shower? Umm... that may or may not happen at ANY point in your pregnancy. I have friends - both who were at "healthy" and "a bit fluffy" weights pre pregnancy who NEVER looked overly pregnant. It happens. It depends on how you carry the baby, what your body type is like, etc. etc. etc. And it's ridiculously superficial to worry about that.

    This. I wouldn't usually post for something like this but at 5 weeks pregnant... I was just so excited to FINALLY be pregnant, but simultaneously scared to death that I would never hear a heartbeat or feel our baby move. The last thing on my mind was a shower (or a bump) and I wasn't even dreaming of telling a single soul outside of immediate family. I know it's tempting to planplanplan but try to take things one day at a time. I hope you have a happy & healthy pregnancy and get your cute bump, along with a great shower ... but at this time there are so very many more important things to consider.

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  • It doesn't even appear that the father of the baby knows he's going to be a dad.

    But let's totes plan for the shower!  YIPPEE!!!!!!!

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  • imageCranang:

    It doesn't even appear that the father of the baby knows he's going to be a dad.

    But let's totes plan for the shower!  YIPPEE!!!!!!!

    And she doesn't even have her first prenatal appointment for 2 more weeks, according to her bio.  

    Talk about f'ed up priorities.

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  • I had one shower at 29 weeks (Friday before Thanksgiving), one at 31 weeks (first Sunday in December) and one at 36 weeks (first Saturday in January).  I was due the first week of February.  These all worked out just fine.  I had my son at 37.5 weeks.
    Cricket's Cadence
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  • A friend of mine was due February 7th and she has her shower in November before the holidays started. It worked out well for both her friends and family because everyone was able to make it. Mine was Saturday, 3 months before my DD. It was the perfect time I think. Enough time to get the things we still need and organize what we've gotten. Plus it'll be nice to have all the thank you's out way ahead of baby coming.

    Talk to the hostess and see what works for her!



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