
Let's talk PG boobs

I have this irrational fear that since my boobs have barely grown at all, I won't be able to BF.  I know it's silly, but one of my books actually said that if your boobs don't grow in pregnancy, you may not be able to BFIndifferent

Any successful BFers whose boobs barely grew while pg?  This crazy pg woman needs some reassurance.

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Re: Let's talk PG boobs

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    Mine didn't grow at all during the pregnancy but when my milk came in I went up 3 cup sizes.  I've had no problems w/ BFing.
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    I had a pg book say that it was not harmful to the fetus to smoke pot while pg.  I obviously don't put too much faith in either book.

    My boobs grew the first few weeks I was pg but not too much. 

    Don't worry about being able to nurse.  You are educating yourself on it and you have this board for help.  I was terrified I would not be able to and now I wonder if DD will ever wean.  LOL 


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    mine hardly grew during pregnancy, and we're nursing great now. I did have a rough first week until my milk really came in. Once i concentrated on getting DS to latch and trying to nurse every few hours, it started to flow for good. Now, if he doesn't nurse every 2-3 hours, I start leaking like a fountain!

    If you are worried, get some fenugreek or other tea and start taking it in the hospital. Also, even if your baby doesn't seem to latch at first, keep trying as much as possible. The more you nurse, the more milk will come.

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    Mine didn't grow at all until after my milk came in and even then it was only about half a cup once the initial engorgement subsided. Just remember, the size of your breasts have nothing to do with their ability to make or store milk. Even the smallest breasts can have a large storage capacity and the largest can have little storage capacity. And ditto the above, the more you nurse the more milk will come.
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