Pregnant after 35

Alien Arrival!!

Henry James S or Henry Morgan S was born this afternoon at 1:20. He weighed 7lbs13.8oz and is 20.5" long. He has like NO HAIR!!! Which is weird for a Hispanic baby.

I did great until my membranes were ruptured. In fact, my OB was a little upset i wasn't feeling any pain. She perked up when i was 5-6cm after 2 hours of pit. About 2.5 hours after getting my water broken, I caved and got the epidural. An exam showed me 7-8, but he was still super high. The thought was maybe I'd relax enough to move him down. It got rid of my back labor, but I still felt the contractions on my left side. Fine by me. I could handle those. I couldn't handle the back labor. An hour later, I was feeling them just as bad as before the epidural. Turned out, I was complete and he was at +3 station! My OB rushed over and he was out in 4 pushes, the cord wrapped length wise around his body. He slipped through it with no problems. 

My only gripe is they dosed me again when I complained about the pain and THEN checked my progress. I couldn't feel a dang thing when it came time to push. If I had known I was that close, I could have made it without that second shot. On the plus side, I didn't feel my episiotomy, my stitches, the pitocin or the nursing cramps. 

Still waiting for feeling in my bum, but other than that, I feel better than I have in WEEKS! The staff are all commenting on my energy and radiance, lol. 

I don't regret a thing. It wasn't what I envisioned for me and Alien, but 6 hours of labor, a fast and quick delivery, and especially a healthy baby were all worth it!  

Re: Alien Arrival!!

  • That's so wonderful! Congratulations! Glad to hear that all turned out well even with a few hiccups.  Welcome Henry!!!
  • Congratulations on baby Henry (I love that name!!!)!
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  • kat1221kat1221 member
    That is so wonderful!  Many congrats to you and your family!
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  • steverstever member
    Yay yay yay!!! Congrats on baby Henry!
  • Congrats!!
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  • Yay!!! A big welcome to Henry! (and again: the updates from the hospital room: I am in awe).
    me - 41 (dx: DOR); DH - 53 (no problems); 7/18/09 - married!; 8/4/09 - BFP on first (real)try; 9/14/09 - missed m/c; 9/15/09 - d&c; 11/09 - 3/10 - 4 natural cycles = BFN; 4/10 - dx hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease; 6/10 - thyroidectomy; 7/10 - 12/10 - 1 natural and 5 medicated IUI cycles = BFN; 1/11 - new RE; dx low ovarian reserve (AMH .42; 1/26/11 -- BFP (ectopic) from IUI #6; methotrexate 2/10/11; 6/2/11 - IVF #1 = BFN; 9/12/11 - prescreening for DE; 9/15/11 - IUI #7 (unmedicated)= BFN; 11/8 - begin DE cycle (shared risk program); 12/5 - ER (5 eggs/4 mature/3 fertilized/2 left by day 5) 12/10 - ET of one 1BB blast (expanded, "fair" quality), none to freeze; 12/22 - totally shocked by +hpt; beta #1 = 413; #2 = 3952 2/14 - CVS reveals a healthy baby girl! EDD: 8/27/12 DD born 8/31/12, 10 lbs 10 oz and perfect in every way. 
  • Congratulations! So glad it went well. Welcome, Henry!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Congratulations!!!!
    DS born 8/8/09 and DD born 6/12/12.
  • Wow! Sounds like he was well worth the wait!! :) congratulations!!!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers image
  • Wonderful news! Congrats to you and your family!
    Mom to Hope 2004 Blessed with #2 due to arrive 11/02/12
  • Congrats!!!

    TTC #1 since 5/10
    BFP #1 7/22/11 - EDD 4/2/11 - M/C 8/15/11 (7w0d)
    BFP #2 9/23/11 - EDD 6/5/12 ♥It's a Girl♥
    BFP #3 2/20/13 - EDD 11/2/13 ♥It's a Girl♥
  • Congratulations!! Welcome baby Henry!
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  • Congratulations!


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  • WELCOME BABY HENRY!!! So happy for you and your new little one.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • Congrats and welcome little Henry! Glad everything went well.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Congrats on Henry!
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  • So unbelievably happy for you.  I have been following your posts and hoping and praying for you.  Congratulations and welcome Baby Henry!!!  Love the name!!! 
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  • Congrats to you and Henry! I love hearing such positive birth experiences. 

    IVF #1 ET 1 d3 embryo 10/30/11 BFP
    3 Embryos frozen (1 d5, 2 d6)

    DS born 07/29/12

    FET #1 ET 1 d5 embryo 02/10/15 BFN

    FET #2 1 d6 embryo didn't survive thaw, transferred last d6. CP :(

  • YAY congratulations on gorgeous Henry James ( i seen his pics ) wow a very quick labour and overall good, congrats!!  Wishing you all lots of happiness with your son Big Smile
  • Congratulations!  Love the name choice!  Glad to hear it went so well after so much build up drama . . .
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Congratulations!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • yay, so happy for you!!! welcome to the world Henry!
    Aug 15 April Siggy challenge: Baby Shower fails:


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  • YAY!!!!!  Sorry it took so long for me to read this.  Gavin had a rough week and wasn't on the computer til tonight!!!  So happy for you!!  Our little guys were almost exactly the same size!!  Sooo happy for you!!!  Have been thinking of you!!!
    IAmPregnant Ticker
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