Henry James S or Henry Morgan S was born this afternoon at 1:20. He weighed 7lbs13.8oz and is 20.5" long. He has like NO HAIR!!! Which is weird for a Hispanic baby.
I did great until my membranes were ruptured. In fact, my OB was a little upset i wasn't feeling any pain. She perked up when i was 5-6cm after 2 hours of pit. About 2.5 hours after getting my water broken, I caved and got the epidural. An exam showed me 7-8, but he was still super high. The thought was maybe I'd relax enough to move him down. It got rid of my back labor, but I still felt the contractions on my left side. Fine by me. I could handle those. I couldn't handle the back labor. An hour later, I was feeling them just as bad as before the epidural. Turned out, I was complete and he was at +3 station! My OB rushed over and he was out in 4 pushes, the cord wrapped length wise around his body. He slipped through it with no problems.
My only gripe is they dosed me again when I complained about the pain and THEN checked my progress. I couldn't feel a dang thing when it came time to push. If I had known I was that close, I could have made it without that second shot. On the plus side, I didn't feel my episiotomy, my stitches, the pitocin or the nursing cramps.
Still waiting for feeling in my bum, but other than that, I feel better than I have in WEEKS! The staff are all commenting on my energy and radiance, lol.
I don't regret a thing. It wasn't what I envisioned for me and Alien, but 6 hours of labor, a fast and quick delivery, and especially a healthy baby were all worth it!
Re: Alien Arrival!!
My Blog
TTC #1 since 5/10
BFP #1 7/22/11 - EDD 4/2/11 - M/C 8/15/11 (7w0d)
BFP #2 9/23/11 - EDD 6/5/12 ♥It's a Girl♥
BFP #3 2/20/13 - EDD 11/2/13 ♥It's a Girl♥
IVF #1 ET 1 d3 embryo 10/30/11 BFP
3 Embryos frozen (1 d5, 2 d6)
DS born 07/29/12
FET #1 ET 1 d5 embryo 02/10/15 BFN
FET #2 1 d6 embryo didn't survive thaw, transferred last d6. CP