July 2012 Moms

"you're getting big" comments

ok..i am getting sick of these comments! The first thing everyone asks is... when r u due?? I tell them July 22 and they all get this look like..."really?" meaning..they think i should be due earlier..then they say " your're getting big!" and I just laugh..but inside I',m like..really??????? u r really going to say that to a prgenant person?? I'm not actually that huge yet..I've gained about 20 lbs and my doc said I'm right on track! people are crazy! at least when i see pregnant ladies they always say I look good..yes..that's what we want to hear!!!
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Re: "you're getting big" comments

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    I'm due the same day and for some reason these comments have suddenly come a daily occurrence like I wasn't big enough for them before.  They never have really bothered me with my past pregnancies but for some reason they are the last thing I want to hear this time.  Of course I'm getting bigger...my baby is growing!  I may be a bit hormonal as well.  
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    A girl in my office told me this morning "Wow, you look really pregnant today". Ummm thanks?

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    I think people just like to say s omething, because I keep getting the opposite.  They will say "you're so tiny".  I never know how to respond, because I've gained 20 lbs and don't feel small.  People are strange!
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    I started getting those comments right around the same time as you are now, 32 weeks or so.

    People are idiots. I think part of it is that people don't know how big a 40 week pregnant woman actually is, unless they have been or know someone who was recently expecting. Hollywood only ever shows pregnant women as big as you probably are now. 

    My usual response is to smile and say "Nope, the doctor says baby and I both are measuring right on track!"

    Which is polite and non-confrontational, but still makes the person feel like a dingleberry (as they should) for being wrong.

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    I really hate people so much.  And, I want to say, "I am having a baby a hole.  I dont know what you expect from me?" No one wants to hear it, but I could understand if I was Jessica Simpson and gained 70 poounds I am 32 weeks and up like 18 pounds, I just don't think that it warrants such dumb questions/comments.  
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    I really hate people so much. 

    That about sums it up for me!

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    I get it all the time.  They are shocked when I tell them I have 7 weeks to go.  Thier response is "Good luck with that".  Whatever!!
    BabyFruit Ticker BabyName Ticker due in July Pictures, Images and Photos
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    i work in a huge office and i hear it about 5 times a day!!!!  So annoying!

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                      Ayden & Sydney
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    barbyjpbarbyjp member

    Here are two options:

    1. Tell people you're not pregnant.

    2  Ask them "Due for what?"

    Then just sit back and enjoy the awkwardness.


    I like those ideas!! haha

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    People are idiots. I think part of it is that people don't know how big a 40 week pregnant woman actually is, unless they have been or know someone who was recently expecting. Hollywood only ever shows pregnant women as big as you probably are now.

    This exactly.  I don't think most people have any idea what a full term pregnant woman actually looks like.

    I get comments on how big my belly is, but how tiny I am everywhere else.  Science lesson: babies grow in the pelvis/abdomen area not in the legs, arms, or a$$.  Granted most pregnant women gain weight elsewhere, but it shouldn't be such a shock that my entire body hasn't expanded. 

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    Yesterday while in the grocery store waiting in line here is a conversation I had:

    Stranger: Oh, so you're due any day now?
    Me: No
    Stranger: wow

    I kind of gave her a look like WTF...and almost joked that I was carrying multiples but I was tired and wanted out of the store so I didn't have time. Not sure if she was trying to start conversation but why does it matter to her how far along I am.

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    zyaszyas member

    Here are two options:

    1. Tell people you're not pregnant.

    2  Ask them "Due for what?"

    Then just sit back and enjoy the awkwardness.


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    BeevolBeevol member
    I just respond with "and I'm only going to get bigger!" or sometimes I'll get all horrified and say "OMG! I might be pregnant!!" because... duh I'm getting big, I have another person growing inside of me. 
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    Yesterday a lady at work told me that I must be having twins and there was no way that there was only one baby in there!  That's just mean.  And this came from a woman who had twins.  I just don't get why people think it's ok??
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