
28 weeker milestones?

Hey everyone,

 Been a while since i've posted, but I wanted to know for those who have gave birth to your babies around the 28th week mark, when did they start to reach certain milestones? My son is going to be 10 months tomorrow and has yet to initiate crawling, but i'm wondering if i should be doing anything, etc. Adjusted, he would be 7 months. I believe that this is about when babies start to crawl right? Please let me know if any of you are experiencing these types of things as well.



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Re: 28 weeker milestones?

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    My twins were born at 27wk5d. They are currently 9 months (6 adjusted). My DD is pretty much's more of an army crawl, but she gets around. She has always been slightly ahead of her adjusted age, but not quite at her actual age. DS is way behind because he had so many complications and was in the hospital so long, so he just started rolling over.

     I wouldn't worry just yet. I know a lot of full-term babies that start crawling later...every baby is different.


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    My DD was born at 29w1d, so just a little past 28 weeks. She didn't start to crawl until she was around 11 months. She started to "army crawl" around 9/10 months. Babies do things on their own time. I have a friend who has a full term baby and she only started to crawl at 10.5 months. I have another friend whose DS crawled at like 6 months. So, you never know.

    My DD will seriously do things so quickly it amazes me. Like, not be even close to hitting a specific milestone one week and then fully meeting that milestone the next week. I always wonder what she will be doing the next week. Like right now, she won't really take steps with a walking toy but she will cruise around furniture/pull up on EVERYTHING. So, I'm sure even though it seems she's not very close to doing that right now...she will just magically start doing it one day soon.

    Try not to worry too much. It sounds like your DS is right on track. I'm sure if your pedi is concerned, they can send him for E.I. evaluation. Oh and there's really nothing you can do besides make sure he gets lots of time on the floor. You can get down and kinda crawl around and show him but the most important thing is the floor/tummy time. Try not to worry momma! :)

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    lurking in prep for a possible pre-term delivery this time...

    BUT - my DS was 38 weeks (so basically full term) and he army crawled around 8 months, crawled on all fours at 11 months and walked at 13 ish months.

    He's a normal healthy 3 year old just to say, kids sometimes do this late regardless of when they were born.  There's a HUGE range of normal. 

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    Thanks so much ladies! Low and behold, he is now 10 months and starting to get around. Army crawling, but nevertheless, he's doing pretty good! I'm not complaining. I know all babies are different...just gotta keep reminding myself of this! Thanks again!
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