
What to do for a preemie mom, baby in NICU

Hi again.....hope you don't mind me butting in AGAIN for advice!

My sister had her baby on Friday at 33 weeks via emergency c-section.  She and her husband live in Texas (closest family is me, in Atlanta, but I can't fly at this point in my pregnancy.  The rest of the fam is in Maryland).  My mom is there now, and can stay for at least 2 weeks.  The doctors told her they can expect Olivia to be in the NICU for 5-7 weeks.

What can I do for them??  Clearly I can't babysit their older daughter, or bring food by the house, or go do laundry.  What can I send her/them that will make their lives easier?  What would you put in a "NICU mom" gift basket?  What, if anything, can I get Olivia?  She is hooked up to all kinds of machines, so she can't be held or wear clothes at this point.

Thanks in advance for your ideas and help!

Me: 30, Dx Unexplained/hypothalamic amenorrhea
DH: 31, normal!
April/May 2011: Menopur + Ovidrel +TI = BFN
Oct 2011: Menopur + Hcg +IUI = BFP!
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Re: What to do for a preemie mom, baby in NICU

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    Urban Flowerpot, I did look at th eblog link you gave me, and it was a huge help!  I am working on a NICU Mom care package.  So far: a bursing cover for pumping, a cooler bag for transporting milk, hand sanitizer and lotion, and some magazines....
    Me: 30, Dx Unexplained/hypothalamic amenorrhea
    DH: 31, normal!
    April/May 2011: Menopur + Ovidrel +TI = BFN
    Oct 2011: Menopur + Hcg +IUI = BFP!
    Beta #1 (13dpiui)= 129.7, Beta #2 (15 dpiui)= 305
    PAIF/SAIF always welcome!
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    Snacks are a great item too.  We had someone send us a ton of little packs of crackers, chips, and cookies.  It's been great to have convenient and quick food available.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Married 9/22/07, began TTC 8/10
    Diagnosed with DOR, LP defect, mild endometriosis and cysts
    BFP #1 EDD 9/10/11, natural miscarriage at 6w
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    Have dinner sent if you can or send a gift certificate - the last thing I wanted to deal with when coming home from the NICU was figuring out dinner.  I was pumping every 3 hours and starving all the time.  Food is always a good bet.
    PCOS, lupus anticoagulant, MTHFR (A1298C, one copy) 2 IUIs & 1 IVF = BFN FET#1 = It's a girl! Born 7.1.10 FET#2 = c/p FET#3 = Twin girls! Born on 3.16.12 at 33w2d due to severe pre-E. After 4 weeks in the NICU they are home! Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    Have dinner sent if you can or send a gift certificate - the last thing I wanted to deal with when coming home from the NICU was figuring out dinner.  I was pumping every 3 hours and starving all the time.  Food is always a good bet.

    Food is a huge help! Other ideas might be a small gift for the big sibling(s) since it's easy for them to get left out when things are so stressful with baby. I'd also suggest calling on a regular basis. Being in the NICU can be really isolating and phone calls are nice. 

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    Thanks, everyone!   My mom definitely has the freezer meals thing covered.  She is mobilizing for kitchen duty as we speak.  ;)  I will definitely pack some goodies for my older niece as well.  Maybe some books for Granny to read her--they'll BOTH enjoy that.

    My newest niece is suprising the doctors at every turn.  Friday night they told my sister she "probably" wouldn't make it through the night.  We're taking it one day at a time and playing the waiting game, now, but her levels are all stabilizing, her kidney function kicked in, she's had 4-5 poopy diapers, and she's got ATTITUDE.  :) 

    Thank you for all your insight and advice!

    Me: 30, Dx Unexplained/hypothalamic amenorrhea
    DH: 31, normal!
    April/May 2011: Menopur + Ovidrel +TI = BFN
    Oct 2011: Menopur + Hcg +IUI = BFP!
    Beta #1 (13dpiui)= 129.7, Beta #2 (15 dpiui)= 305
    PAIF/SAIF always welcome!
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    Hands free pumping bra! Preemie hats (one of the first things they can wear). Gas cards (if she is going back and forth to the hospital). Protein bars and vitamin water. She will need to stay fed and hydrated to get her milk supply up. 
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    Urban Flowerpot, I did look at th eblog link you gave me, and it was a huge help!  I am working on a NICU Mom care package.  So far: a bursing cover for pumping, a cooler bag for transporting milk, hand sanitizer and lotion, and some magazines....

    Wow, she is so lucky to have you - you rock! My friend literally mails people casseroles (?!) but sounds like you have food covered! How about a cute water bottle? I love Camelbak's with the valve because you can drink from any angle and it doesn't leak.

    My friend just had a MC :( and I put together a fun box for her - just a box of distractions. I made it entirely pink, though, because we love the movie Pretty in Pink - maybe something like that for a future package? Every day feels so long that breaking things up would be nice. I got my friend a scarf (good NICU idea - drafty! even in summer w the AC), Lush bar, nailpolish, coin purse with pockets, and lip stuff/lotion/etc, just all pink! It's looks really cheerful. Pick a theme and run with it?

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    Urban Flowerpot, I did look at th eblog link you gave me, and it was a huge help!  I am working on a NICU Mom care package.  So far: a bursing cover for pumping, a cooler bag for transporting milk, hand sanitizer and lotion, and some magazines....

    Wow, she is so lucky to have you - you rock! My friend literally mails people casseroles (?!) but sounds like you have food covered! How about a cute water bottle? I love Camelbak's with the valve because you can drink from any angle and it doesn't leak.

    My friend just had a MC :( and I put together a fun box for her - just a box of distractions. I made it entirely pink, though, because we love the movie Pretty in Pink - maybe something like that for a future package? Every day feels so long that breaking things up would be nice. I got my friend a scarf (good NICU idea - drafty! even in summer w the AC), Lush bar, nailpolish, coin purse with pockets, and lip stuff/lotion/etc, just all pink! It's looks really cheerful. Pick a theme and run with it?

    i LOVE that idea!
    Me: 30, Dx Unexplained/hypothalamic amenorrhea
    DH: 31, normal!
    April/May 2011: Menopur + Ovidrel +TI = BFN
    Oct 2011: Menopur + Hcg +IUI = BFP!
    Beta #1 (13dpiui)= 129.7, Beta #2 (15 dpiui)= 305
    PAIF/SAIF always welcome!
    My Blog

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    What about whipping up a batch of lactation cookies (google for the recipe, but look for the one with brewer's yeast). Brewer's yeast can be found at most health food stores it is expensive, but if you plan to BF too, it isn't a bad thing to have in the house.


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    Urban Flowerpot, I did look at th eblog link you gave me, and it was a huge help!  I am working on a NICU Mom care package.  So far: a bursing cover for pumping, a cooler bag for transporting milk, hand sanitizer and lotion, and some magazines....

    Wow, she is so lucky to have you - you rock! My friend literally mails people casseroles (?!) but sounds like you have food covered! How about a cute water bottle? I love Camelbak's with the valve because you can drink from any angle and it doesn't leak.

    My friend just had a MC :( and I put together a fun box for her - just a box of distractions. I made it entirely pink, though, because we love the movie Pretty in Pink - maybe something like that for a future package? Every day feels so long that breaking things up would be nice. I got my friend a scarf (good NICU idea - drafty! even in summer w the AC), Lush bar, nailpolish, coin purse with pockets, and lip stuff/lotion/etc, just all pink! It's looks really cheerful. Pick a theme and run with it?

    i LOVE that idea!

    Yayy Geeked

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    You could still send clothes. Preemie cloths too. I know that sounds silly but you have no idea how many 0-3 months clothing people sent to DH and I. DS is NOW finally fitting into newborn clothing.

    I say clothing because your niece will eventually be able to wear clothes and I doubt your sister clothing that will fit her. Even when your niece can come home she still likely will need preemie clothing. People also sent gift cards. 

    It's nice to send something to the mom, but if you also want to send a little something for the baby, you could do clothes. Like PP said, she will eventually be wearing clothes (even in the NICU) and your sister would probably appreciate the preemie clothes. There is just something so sweet about baby clothes and to a NICU mom, it's a really big step when they get to put on that first outfit!

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