June 2012 Moms

Have last day of work scheduled - freaking out

I am totally freaking out. I thought I would be more excited to have my last day of work finalized - but I'm not.

For 1, my anniversary date with my organization is June 20th. My EDD is June 16th. Thus, if I take mat leave before my anniversary date, they are not legally obligated to hold my job - and the thought of not having a job to go back to terrifies me. 

So - DH and I had thought that I would work up until June 8th, take vacation until June 20th, and start my mat leave on June 21st.

But - my boss doesn't want that. She thinks that in the last month of pregnancy women are essentially useless - they don't feel great and don't do good work. So she would rather have me off on mat leave sooner rather than later.

The plan that she set out as my last day in the office as May 28th, I would use some lieu time for May 29th, 30th, and 31st, and take vacation from June 1st to 14th, starting my mat leave on the 15th - 5days before my anniversary.

So now I'm freaking out. May 28th means I have 28 work days left, is 2 weeks less than what I had planned (I don't know if I will be able to get everything I wanted done in that time), and it means that I have to go for mat leave on good faith that I will have a job to return to. Hence the freak out.

I am in my office, trying to breathe and not cry... DH is in a meeting so I can't call him and I'm scared. 

I feel like not having that legal obligation means that I don't have a job to go back to and that I will be giving up everything that I worked so hard to achieve. I feel like my education will have been wasted as will the hours that I had to put in to get to where I am in my career. I don't want to lose all of that.

I know that kids are magical and there is nothing more important than raising a child and all of that. I do know. But - if I go back part time or not at all I want that to be my choice - not something that is forced on us because I don't have a job to go back to. 

How did you deal with your last day of work being set? Are you ladies scared of not having a job to go back to? Does this even make sense? 

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Re: Have last day of work scheduled - freaking out

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    Is that legal?  I serious have no clue, but it seems like for something like a medical or family leave, the decision as to when it starts would be up to the woman or her doctor.

    Has HR cleared that?

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    Have you checked with your HR department?  There are several rules on mat leave and some set even state by state.  They will work with you and your boss to work out your schedule and get all the paper work filed in time to guarantee your job up to the mat leave limit.  This is exactly what your HR department is for and they will help you. 

     I don't think your boss can actually select your leave date for you.  With my first I even had to have my dr sign a form stating when she thought my last day should be and when I could return.  I worked right up to the day before I had DD, no problems and I was fully productive.

     Check w/ HR & Good Luck.

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    Double check with your HR dept.  FMLA actually calculates hours worked during the course of a year, so it is very likely you WILL be protected.  And as PP have said, different states have different additions.  I'm sure you will be fine :)
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    The Canadian system is a bit different - thankfully DH is in HR (different organization) and knows the ins and outs of the system quite well.

    I just worry that if I push back on it that it will make things difficult given the low opinion my boss has of pregnant women and their work ethic. She told me that if I worked any later I would be calling in sick anyways and what was the point in that? 

    I don't like what she has proposed but she is my boss... and I don't want to lose my job - either now or in a year... 

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    First off, I'm offended that she thinks women are useless during their last month of pregnancy.  Your boss shouldn't be able to tell you your last day.  I had a talk with my boss today and my last day in the office will be May 18th but I'm going to work from home until LO arrives then start mat. leave (my EDD is June 3rd).

    I would have a talk with HR to see how being on maternity leave affects your anniversary date.  If the leave is paid, it seems like it wouldn't matter but I know all jobs are different. 

    Since your husband works in HR, what are his thoughts about this proposed plan.  I would still check with HR at your company. 

    Oh and does your boss even have kids...yep still offended and borderline ticked at her opinions.   

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    First off, I'm offended that she thinks women are useless during their last month of pregnancy.  Your boss shouldn't be able to tell you your last day.  I had a talk with my boss today and my last day in the office will be May 18th but I'm going to work from home until LO arrives then start mat. leave (my EDD is June 3rd).

    I would have a talk with HR to see how being on maternity leave affects your anniversary date.  If the leave is paid, it seems like it wouldn't matter but I know all jobs are different. 

    Since your husband works in HR, what are his thoughts about this proposed plan.  I would still check with HR at your company. 

    Oh and does your boss even have kids...yep still offended and borderline ticked at her opinions.   

    All this!  I have no idea about Canadian employment laws, but from an equality perspective, this is just all wrong.  I don't think my work has suffered one bit ....and it didn't when I was pregnant with DD either.  I worked up until my due date and while some of that time was spent on transition, I still had responsibility for my areas until the day I left.

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    Wow! My due date is June 16 as well!
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    First off, I'm offended that she thinks women are useless during their last month of pregnancy.  Your boss shouldn't be able to tell you your last day.  I had a talk with my boss today and my last day in the office will be May 18th but I'm going to work from home until LO arrives then start mat. leave (my EDD is June 3rd).

    I would have a talk with HR to see how being on maternity leave affects your anniversary date.  If the leave is paid, it seems like it wouldn't matter but I know all jobs are different. 

    Since your husband works in HR, what are his thoughts about this proposed plan.  I would still check with HR at your company. 

    Oh and does your boss even have kids...yep still offended and borderline ticked at her opinions.   

    All this!  I have no idea about Canadian employment laws, but from an equality perspective, this is just all wrong.  I don't think my work has suffered one bit ....and it didn't when I was pregnant with DD either.  I worked up until my due date and while some of that time was spent on transition, I still had responsibility for my areas until the day I left.

    She is in her mid to late 50s, from what I know never married, no kids. She has said that she doesn't like kids. Really don't like the way this all went down- that she said those things and that I didn't really have a say in my end date. I still work hard and do good work.  I plan on checking this out as much as I can- DH will help ensure that this is all legal... Which it doesn't feel like it currently is.  

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    I am not really in the same position, but I am on a contract until the end of May so I absolutely for sure will not have a job after the year of mat leave. I hope it won't be too stressful. Just think that you can't lose the experience you have gained and you will have this year with EI to find new jobs and apply if the worst case scenario does occur.  I understand you being freaked out by it though.

    FWIW it is definitely against the law for her to tell you that you can't work up until your due date. The only problem is that she can deny your vacation. I really hope that you do get it figured out though, I understand the stress of it! 

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    Check into the Employment Standards Act in your province.  In BC, you can not be terminated while on leave or returning from leave.  Even though you are issued an ROE, your employment is considered continuous during your leave (ie, you are still technically an employee and your leave counts towards your number of days employed by the company).

    Frankly, I'm already useless at my job and I still have over 8 weeks left.  I'll be leaving June 2nd - my birthday and 2 weeks before my June 16th due date!

    Wishing you all the best.  And I hope you find the security you're looking for so you are able to enjoy some time before baby arrives.

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    The Canadian system is a bit different - thankfully DH is in HR (different organization) and knows the ins and outs of the system quite well.

    I just worry that if I push back on it that it will make things difficult given the low opinion my boss has of pregnant women and their work ethic. She told me that if I worked any later I would be calling in sick anyways and what was the point in that? 

    I don't like what she has proposed but she is my boss... and I don't want to lose my job - either now or in a year... 

    In Ontario, as long as you are hired at least 13 weeks before your EDD (you do NOT have to actively work all 13 weeks before your EDD), you are entitled to protected mat leave. Check out your own province's employment standards act.

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    Doesn't sound like what she is doing is legal, and I highly suggest you talk to HR or somebody else who could be of assistance to you.  She shouldn't be telling you at all when YOU take YOUR maternity time.

    People like this piss me off.

    Pregnant women are "useless" at the end at work?

    I'd tell her to F off. lol

    Good luck and I hope it works out for you!!!!

    My due date is also June 16th. :)

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