April 2011 Moms

tear duct surgery

I thought I remembered that someone here's little one had it - it was finally decided to proceed forward with having DDs done.

Can you tell me anything that helped, or I guess anything in general? Im too scared to google anything since I really know nothing about the surgery to start with


Re: tear duct surgery

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    Sarah's little girl had it. She is the mod for this board, so I am sure she will chime in.
    Our IVF Miracles! Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    My oldest had it, and my youngest is going to have the surgery in a month.  We got to the surgery center at 6 am, after not letting our little guy nurse during the night, and were first in line since he was 10 months old, and they go in order of age.  He had some pre-op drops done (but none at home), and then they took him to do the surgery.  They gave him tylenol, and sedated, and probed it open with a tube/rod.  He was back in my arms in less than 10 minutes.  Crying mad, but back to me.  He was fine as soon as I got to nurse him.  Back to his normal self once we got home, with a weeks worth of drops to give him.  Drops weren't fun, as he hated them.  The difference in his eye was amazing!  His eye would be mattered shut almost every day, and he had a few bloody tears the first day, but then no more goop!
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    KERJFKERJF member
    ThAnks for the responses. Makes me feel so much better. I can't wait until its done so her eye is better and not gunky most the day!

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    Everyone has covered it for you.

    I was SO nervous about it, but it went off without a hitch. I agree with the others-- the surgery was done and she was back in Momma's arms before I knew it. And once we got home, she carried on as usual, like nothing happened. She hasn't had a even a bit of condensation around her eye (not including tears, of course) or gunk since the surgery.

    As anxious as I was, I'm so glad now that we had it done.

    ETA: Here's my blog entry about it.



    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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    DS had it when he was just over a year old. Honestly, the prep and recovery were much longer than the actual procedure. He was in and out of the operating room in about 15 minutes and we were brought right into recovery with him. We left the hospital at 9:30am and he was back to his usual sunny self by lunch :)

    Good luck, I know it's really scary to have to put LO under but it will be so good for DD.

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