i know u are supposed to intake more calories when BFing than when u are preg. i definitely ate more when preg though. partly b/c i didn't care about getting bigger, and b/c i ate out often...now i just don't have the time and i'm not as hungry.
Pregnant, except for the last 2 wks, I lost my appetite. I had it back for the first couple days pp but now it's gone again. I'm just not interested in eating anymore. I eat when I'm really starving, but am content after a few crackers or a slice of bread. DH is getting really frustrated when he asks what we're doing for dinner and I say I'm not hungry. Poor guy.
I'm starving a lot- I feel hungrier now (possibly b/c I don't have a huge baby blocking all of the room in my stomach?) than I did when I was pregnant. I'm not sure if I eat more, but definitely just as much.
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Re: do u eat more when BFing or preg?