Maryland Babies

Dentist - What age for first check up

When did you take your twins to the dentist for the first time?  I hear different things ALL the time and I am not sure what to do.  I was recently reading an old parenting magazine (7 months ago) that says 6 months.  I have a friend who is a hygentist and I think she said 2 or 3.  When did you take your twins and what were you told by the dentist as far as check-ups.  TIA

Re: Dentist - What age for first check up

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    My dentist wont see dd until she is 4. He said before that it is pointless. They dont sit even for a short check up.
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    Hey There!
    When I was dental assistant in regular dentists office they saw children at starting at age 3. When I worked at a Pediactric practice they saw them starting at age 1. I thought it was a bit much at 1. The kids usually just screamed and it seemed more traumatic than beneficial. If you see an issue or are concerned about something I might take them in otherwise I would wait. I doubt A&E would be willing to sit through someone looking in their mouths.
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    I started at age 2.5 with my older daughter, but, only because she had a fall that hurt her tooth.  I then started taking dd2 around the age of 2 since we were already going.  But, I would feel fine waiting until 3-3.5 if they are good with brushing and have no other issues.
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    my dad was a dentist and he didn't see kids until like 3 usually.

    That being said, my new dentist said 1 1/2 - to 2 years (DD is 20 months), so I took her with me to an appointment to see what would happen and if I could get her comfortable in the chair. That did NOT go well at all. She cried and cried from the noise of the drill and had a meltdown, which is unlike her. So I am waiting until 3

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