Special Needs

I need a 1 pager on autism, or a basic description.

As if it can be explained on one page...

I'm trying to find a starter article or something that can help a total autism rookie understand what it is.


Any ideas? 

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Re: I need a 1 pager on autism, or a basic description.

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    To make it easier to understand Autism is a general term to describe the complex disorder. There are several disorders in the spectrum, such as Asperger's, Pervasive developmental disorder and so forth.  The link below can help you read more into the disorder. There are several celebrities, i.e. Holly Robinson Peete, with autistic children so just know you are not alone. Get in touch with local organizations that can provide you with resources. FYI April is Autism Awareness Month so look for opportunities to meet other parents and organizations that can help.


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    Are you looking for something to put in a blog, daycare binder or communitation book?

    Maybe if you let people know who the intended audience is then they could lead you in the right direction. Something written up for a grandparent audience will be different than for an educator or a child........

    WAY 2 Cool 4 School

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    To make it easier to understand Autism is a general term to describe the complex disorder. There are several disorders in the spectrum, such as Asperger's, Pervasive developmental disorder and so forth.  The link below can help you read more into the disorder. There are several celebrities, i.e. Holly Robinson Peete, with autistic children so just know you are not alone. Get in touch with local organizations that can provide you with resources. FYI April is Autism Awareness Month so look for opportunities to meet other parents and organizations that can help.


    This is great, but not what she is asking for.....Her kid already has an ASD dx and I am sure she is already just rarin' to go for April....

    WAY 2 Cool 4 School

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    Oops. sorry, I should have explained. : )

    My twins have autism. My family and friends have been wonderful and supportive, but I don't really think any of them actually know or understand what autism is. Actually, I don't even think my hsuband really understands. I'd like to be able to give them a blurb on ASD to help them learn.  A starting off point of some sort.



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    More than a one-pager, but I love this blog.  It explains things really well, and even has diagrams.  https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/making-sense-autistic-spectrum-disorders 
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    I know your kids don't have AS but maybe somewhere there is an autism version of the paper. Of course it touches on autism: https://www.aspergersyndrome.org/Articles/Especially-for-Grandparents-of-Children-With-Asper.aspx


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    One of my friends posted this on facebook and I thought it was really interesting ..


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