2nd Trimester

Foot Massage and Pregnancy - No No??

So I was scheduled for a facial, facial massage and foot massage today.  I made it clear I was pregnant when I scheduled it.  I know some places have issues and want a dr note, etc.  They assured me on the phone it was fine since I was in my 2nd trimester.

 As soon as I walked in the door the girl said, oh we can't do the foot massage.  I asked why not - she said oh because you are pregnant - now first of all I was wearing a baggy shirt - how could she be so sure?  

 anyways I said yes.  So she said so we have a rule we can't do this.  I went off the deep end.  "I specifically told you I was pregnant on the phone and they said it wasn't a problem.  If you trained your people properly they could have told me on the phone and I may have waited to use my gift card until after i had the baby.  I'll just take the face massage and facial and get the foot massage after I have the baby then".  And I was soo looking forward to this foot massage - my feet hurt and are already getting swollen.

 She said, "Oh you can't just get the foot massage itself, it's an add on".  

Me:  "So you are saying I can't use the foot massage portion of my gift card today, nor can I use it another day because I'm not getting anything else".

 Needless to say our arguing went on.  When I got in for the facial massage the massuse said I was Tense - ya think???

 Anyways - so why no foot massages?  Is it true the pressure points can induce labor?  If so wouldn't woman try to get abortions that way or women that are past their due date and want the baby out get them?  I've had pedicures for all 3 of my pregnancies and they massage my feet.  In addition, my husband rubs them.  If there was a secret to schedule labor via foot massage, that would be amazing.

 Okay, vent/ complaint, and wonder over : ) 

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Re: Foot Massage and Pregnancy - No No??

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    yeah this is common unfortunately... there are certain pressure points in the foot that can induce contractions.  I have been to a few places (for massage and pedicures) and as soon as they see Im pregnant they tell me they can't massage my feet. Stinks.. but I rather be safe than sorry.  It stinks they didnt tell you over the phone.  They probably made a note in your appt that you are pg and addressed it when you got there.  Im jealous you got a massage.. ahhh I could use one.

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    I had NO idea about this.... I had a pedicure back in the 1st trimester, but I wasn't really showing so they didn't say anything and I didn't volunteer because I really didn't think of it.


    UGH and I'm going for a pedicure tomorrow before I go to a wedding and I was SO looking forward to a good foot rub!! 

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    I hope they rub my toes when I get my pedicure on Sunday!
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    Yes it is because of the pressure points that can induce labor. A lot of places will not massage your feet if you are pregnant.
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    I got a pedicure today and while they did put lotion on my legs and feet they did not massage.
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    I had a massage last week and she did my feet. It felt so good. I mean an expert would know what spots not to put pressure on no?
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    Our dula in the labor and delivery class said that there are pressure points that are considered 'the keys to inducing labor'.  She made it seem, however, that they only work later in the process-getting a massage at 16 wouldn't suddenly put you in labor.  She said it's an excellent thing to draw on if you want to try to induce labor, just as she suggested walking stairs, drinking a some type of tea, etc.  Sounds like it doesn't work for all women, but it does for some.  Also, some aromatherapy can induce labor.  This is not going to stop me from shoving my feet in DH's face as we lay on the couch.  I doubt his wimpy rubbing of my feet are going to do anything but sooth my skin.  

    And, yes, I would think if they were worth their salt, they would know the pressure points and just give you a different type of massage.


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    Just had a pedicure today at my local nail salon. They massaged the crap out of my feet. I would try another salon. On a side note...it was awesome!
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    I had a massage last week and she did my feet. It felt so good. I mean an expert would know what spots not to put pressure on no?


    That's what I would think.  And even so - don't you think us woman at 38 weeks would be knocking down doors to get labor induced by a foot rub?  I think it may only help if your body is ready - I don't think it really puts you in labor.  I'm not for this hocus pocus!  This is why they give you pitocin instead of a foot rub.  

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    Jealous - I'm going to your salon next time : )
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    I've worked as a massage therapist for places that refuse to massage women in their first trimester, period, due to liability, but I have never heard of not massaging feet at all.  There are pressure points that are generally contraindicated for pregnant women, and it's my belief that the technician would have to spend the better part of the session working those specific points.

    I think your experience was ridiculous I would follow up with a manager or supervisor with a complaint.  If they were unwilling to provide you with the service that day, they should have made a better effort to accommodate you -- not tell you that you can't have it later, either.  That's poor customer service and bad business practice in my opinion. 

    It may have been that the person you were scheduled with was uncomfortable providing you with the service.

    Even though I'm a massage therapist, I still asked my MW about receiving massage during pregnancy and she laughed at the idea that anyone could induce labor by touching some pressure points (not extended stimulation with the intent of inducing labor).

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    My doctor said it's safe after the first trimester. They would have to massage quite hard to induce contractions haha!
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    I am a massage therapist and have worked on pregnant women for the last 8 years and have always addressed the feet. I am just careful about the pressure and certain points. The the acupressure point that we use to induce labor is higher up above the ankle. I feel confident in getting a foot massage from a massage therapist that knows what they are doing.

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    I had a complete package at a salon geared toward pregnant woman today. I had a one hour massage and a one hour pedicure which included a hot stone leg and foot massage. My husband made the appointment and he did say that she asked if I was having contractions and out of the first tri but nothing else.
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    I asked both of my drs about this and they both said baloney. My husband was there and the dr thought he was trying to get out of massaging my feet. Also, where are these alleged pressure points?
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    There's no way massaging your feet or pressure points on your feet will induce labor or miscarriage.  At all.  Nor will it cure any disease or help your digestion or anything else.  It's baloney.  As in, scientifically disproven baloney.

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    I got an acupressure foot massage this weekend and it was fantastic.  They asked how far along I was and the lady who worked on me didn't put as much pressure as I would have liked, but overall it was fantastic and a great way to de-stress from all the pregnancy nonsense. I got out of there feeling better than I had for a week.  

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    I used to be a nail tech and had pregnant women come in ALL THE TIME! I know about the "pressure points" and reflexology, and stayed away from them.  However, if this really did work to induce labor, wouldn't full term mothers be flocking to nail salons and massage therapists to get induced?? 

    Does anyone actually know anyone who had labor induced by a foot massage??


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    I used to be a nail tech and had pregnant women come in ALL THE TIME! I know about the "pressure points" and reflexology, and stayed away from them.  However, if this really did work to induce labor, wouldn't full term mothers be flocking to nail salons and massage therapists to get induced?? 

    Does anyone actually know anyone who had labor induced by a foot massage??

    Even if a handful of people say, "I had a foot massage and then went into labor that day!" you can't know if they would have gone into labor anyway.

    Science STILL doesn't know a lot about what exactly causes a woman to go into labor.  

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    Well that sucks (if it really is true). I would have raised some hell after getting all hype about my foot massage. I would have probably broke into tears since I'm a natural basket case.
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