November 2011 Moms

Shots/sick/or something else entirely?

LO had 4 month shots yesterday. His 2 month shots he was back to normal the day after. Today, he still had a low appetite, was really fidgety while I tried to BF him, had a low fever (99.1), spit up more than usual when he ate, and had 4 super poopy diapers. He still refused all but one of his naps (a never-ending battle recently) and was happy to play around a little bit. I am wondering if it's still just the shots or if he is coming down with something. Or maybe it's something I'm eating that is upsetting his tummy? I haven't changed anything in my diet and we've never had this problem before. Maybe it's not even a problem and I'm being a paranoid FTM. 
Because you're mine, I walk the line....
Landry Mark: 11/5/11
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Re: Shots/sick/or something else entirely?

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    I'd assume it's the shots.  If it lasts more than a day or 2 or the fever gets really high and you can't get it down, I'd call the pedi

    ~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~

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    I vote shots. DD had the extra poopy diapers after her 2 month ones for almost a week. 
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    I'd assume it's the shots.  If it lasts more than a day or 2 or the fever gets really high and you can't get it down, I'd call the pedi

    This. Mine was out-of-sorts for a whole week. But he didn't have a fever. Your pedi office should have given you a handout of info about the shots he received. On it will list the known reactions with the shots given. If you don't have that, you can go to the CDC's website to find out what to look for. GL, I hope he's back to his old self soon!

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    I wouldn't be worried. The fever is within normal range (according to my pedi) and one of the shots specifically can cause a diminished appetite - can't remember which one off the top of my head. DD had a poor appetite for a day and a half after her two month shots and then she was back to normal.
    DD born 11/20/11
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