Baby Showers

Is this bad form?

Initially my best friend said she was so excited to throw me a baby shower. A little while later, I find out she's coordinating it with my mother (which my mother was excited about). I guess there were some issues with my best friend getting back to her in a timely manner (think 3 weeks plus) and so my mother told her that since she (my bf) has 2 young kids, she would take the pressure off and have her friend help her. My bf was apparently really happy and still said she'd be glad to pick up or run any errands if needed.

My dilemma is that I read somewhere that it's not socially acceptable for a mother to throw her daughter a baby shower bc it's like asking for gifts for her grandchild. Now I feel guilty-ish.


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Re: Is this bad form?

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    It is absolutely fine. I never got the whole thing about a mother throwing the baby shower? My mother and sister is hosting mine tomorrow. The only time I ever read any of that nonsense was here.
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    My mom organized and threw mine. It was today actually. And there were several people who thanked her for doing it.

    I wouldn't worry 

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    In the "old days" it was unacceptable for any close family member (including sisters) to host a shower.  My mother would never have considered hosting any of mine (I had 3) because it is not "proper".  However, things have changed.  People in many families (meaning aunts and cousins) are not as close as they once were.  Mom's of the MTB's have taken over.  It is done so often now that most people/guests don't think anything about it.  In my family it is still taboo though.
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    It's totally fine to have your mom (grandma-to-be) host these days.  A while back it may have been a "no, no" but not anymore.
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    I don't think anyone here has ever said it was bad form for a mother to host the shower.  I've only seen people here tell women not to host their own baby shower. 

    OP- It's fine in this day and age. 

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    It's an older ettiquette tradition that has gone by the way side.  Don't stress, few if any will side eye you or your mother for this.

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    The whole "mothers shouldn't throw showers" thing is still alive and well here and my mom is the first to talk smack about a shower thrown by a mom for her daughter.

    So yeah, to get around that, my aunt/godmother is the hostess of my shower, but in reality, my mother is probably funding 90% of the shower and doing 75% of the work.

    Customs like this is very local though, so if you've never heard of it before, chances are that none of your guests have, or that they don't care.

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    My mother helped my best friend and my cousin throw me a shower for my side of the family.  My MIL threw a me a shower for DH's side.  I think it's perfectly acceptable.

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    In the "old days" it was unacceptable for any close family member (including sisters) to host a shower.  My mother would never have considered hosting any of mine (I had 3) because it is not "proper".  However, things have changed.  People in many families (meaning aunts and cousins) are not as close as they once were.  Mom's of the MTB's have taken over.  It is done so often now that most people/guests don't think anything about it.  In my family it is still taboo though.


    But I do not care if other people's mothers throw them a baby shower! I think it's nice of your mom to do so! 

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    I just had my shower yesterday and my mom and 2 sisters hosted it. I didnt ask them too but they really wanted too. It was a lovely shower and no one seemed to care that my mom was one of the hosts.

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    This is one traditional rule that I'd agree has gone by the wayside (for most areas).  Like someone said, it's more frowned upon for the mom to host a bridal shower (maybe back to the dowry days? She'd be asking for people to contribute to her daughters dowry? Idk) than a baby shower.  

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    He's the single greatest thing I've done in my life and reminds me daily of how fun (and funny) life can be.  He's turned out pretty swell for having such a heartless and evil mother.  
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