Austin Babies

Pumping at work is sad

i worked from home 2 days last week, and i got a letdown within 4 minutes of pumping. i'm back at work today, and so far no letdowns even though i've pumped twice, got in early so i wouldn't feel rushed, etc. something psychological about being at work is preventing me from getting a letdown.

kid seems to be distracted while eating (from me) during the day anyway and tanks up more at night. do you think my squeaking out a few ounces during the day and then getting a good pump session at night will help reverse my supply so that there's more in the evening than in the day? i've had a clogged duct so far and some engorgement from not being able to remove much during the day at work. 

Re: Pumping at work is sad

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    Oh no that stinks. I would try to pump every 2 hours at work in an effort to get as much milk out as possible. Also maybe take a washcloth to work, get it wet with really warm water and place on your breasts before pumping, the heat will help with the clogged duct and might help with milk letdown. I know the shower always makes me get letdown. I used the wash cloth trick with my first two babies after I went back to work.
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    I'm not sure about the supply question, but the same thing with letdown happened to me each time I returned to work. As I got more into the routine, pumping at work was more productive/letdown was quicker. 


    Do you have pictures or something of your baby's to focus on? Maybe relaxing music to semi-forget you're at the office? I kept a pair of baby socks in my bag with their baby smell. It helped me relax some. Good luck and I hope it gets a little easier!

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    Do you have pictures or something of your baby's to focus on? Maybe relaxing music to semi-forget you're at the office? I kept a pair of baby socks in my bag with their baby smell. It helped me relax some. Good luck and I hope it gets a little easier!

    i have my phone with me, and i have music going on, staring at photos of my kid. i even make him wear a hat in the mornings and sniff that like there's no tomorrow to try to soak in his scent.

    something's just not clicking. 

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    I don't have any other suggestions but lots and lots of sympathy.  I loathe pumping at work.
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    I don't have any other suggestions but lots and lots of sympathy.  I loathe pumping at work.

    thanks. i worry that if this continues, eventually my supply will dry up, and i'll have to stop breastfeeding earlier than i wanted to. 

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    I don't have any other suggestions but lots and lots of sympathy.  I loathe pumping at work.

    ditto! i only made it to 6-months exclusive BFing b/c my best friend has a baby J's age and had a stash she gave me. supplementing was really stressful to me but i still BF evenings/weekends and a lot of the pressure is off now and the stress of pumping.

    i hope you figure it out and can manage to BF however long you want... but know that its possible to supplement and still BF!  

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    Maybe this is weird, but I actually took a video of DD breastfeeding on my phone. I'd watch it at the beginning of the pumping session.

    Make sure you're comfortable. My pump room is freezing, so I have a blanket in there, and I snagged a more comfortable chair from somewhere else in the building. Some relaxing music, close your eyes ...

    Good luck!

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    i hope you figure it out and can manage to BF however long you want... but know that its possible to supplement and still BF!

    i'll email you separate in case you don't see this message. how did supplementing work for you? does it mean you have to supplement on the weekends when you're with J or did your supply boost up on the weekends?

    i'm kind of worried about engorgement and clogged ducts. 

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    Maybe this is weird, but I actually took a video of DD breastfeeding on my phone. I'd watch it at the beginning of the pumping session.

    Make sure you're comfortable. My pump room is freezing, so I have a blanket in there, and I snagged a more comfortable chair from somewhere else in the building. Some relaxing music, close your eyes ...

    Good luck!

    that's a good idea with the video. i'll try that out. if i could just clone my baby into a doll with the same scent and sounds and movements, that would make pumping WAY easier, right? 

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