Special Needs

Potty training with global delays

My DD has Global Delays and is about to turn three years old. She just started walking and now we need to figure out when to start potty training her.

Are there any good books out there than give you the development signs of when your child is ready instead of age advice? 

We're hoping to get her ready for integrated preschool this fall. * Hoping*

Mother of  Sable Rene' & Clifton Michael
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Re: Potty training with global delays

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    https://www.babycenter.com/0_potty-training-readiness-checklist_4384.bc Chris didn't have the words for pee or poop when he started potty training himself. He would say "ee" and "oo".
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    I read a book called "Diaper Free Before 3" that basically encourages introducing them to the potty very young (between 6-12 months) before kids are old enough to make it a power struggle. Obviously kids this young aren't showing readiness cues but I think the theory is that exposure allows kids to master these skills earlier. It also makes going to the potty an expectation, like washing hands or getting dressed and encourages giving praise but not big rewards or bribes. The book does briefly touch on SN but not as much as I would have liked. I don't know if I'm explaining the concepts of the book well or not but I do really recommend it. My DS has CP and delays (possibly even global) and we started sitting on the potty at 21 months. I also bought some fun potty books from amazon. We have some success although a long way to go before he is out of diapers. He will urinate and stool on the potty but not very often. He has very few of the readiness cues from the above link but I hope this exposure without pressure / expectations will help him learn faster when he is ready. HTH!
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    Our developmental pedi recommended this book:  https://www.amazon.com/Toilet-Training-Individuals-Autism-Developmental/dp/1932565493

    Z was not potty trained until he was over 4 -- we ended up just letting him run around naked for 2 days.  He didn't want to go on the floor, so he went on the toilet.  We then added underwear, and then underwear and pants.  Our prior attempts had been horrible failures.  He just wasn't ready before (he had been on a potty schedule at school for over a year and a half with no progress).  When he was ready, it was actually surprisingly easy.

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    My daughter is similar - she will be three about a week after your daughter and has global delays - she started walking in July.  My big issue now is less about communication and more about the fact that I think her low tone is causing her not to be able to control when she pees.  I have a feeling she will be in diapers or pull ups for a while longer.  I'm planning to start incorporating sitting on the potty more in the day to day activities and then try to encourage it more this summer when she has less clothing on.  She can't remove her pants or her diaper so we are working on that as well.  I don't have any book recommendations but I'm interested to check out some that the others have posted.  Good luck!
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