May 2012 Moms

Will you have a back-up name just in case?

So DH and I FINALLY decided on a name (we had been trying it on for a couple of weeks, and it seemed to stick so we were sold).  Today, he asks me if we are going to come up with a backup name in case she comes out not looking like our first choice name.  We know we are having a girl, so we just don't know if we need to have another girl name picked or not.  WDYT we should do?  What will you do/did you do?
IAmPregnant Ticker

Re: Will you have a back-up name just in case?

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    We're team green and plan to have a list of our favorite boy and girl names and then we'll make the final decision once we "meet" the little one.
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    DH wants to have a backup name for exactly the same reason that YH wants to -- because he thinks the baby might not "look" like the name we picked.  Personally, I don't think you can really tell by looking at a red, wrinkly newborn, which name will "fit" better, but I'm humoring him.

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    With DS, we had 3 girl names and 3 boy names picked out.

    Once we found out it was a boy, we were dead set on naming him Isaac. We had 2 others, just in case, but we loved Isaac so much. :)

    Good luck.

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    We are going to have a boy name as a backup in case she comes out a he.  :)  They were pretty sure it is a girl at the u/s, but I like to be prepared just in case.  If we can't decide on a name we both love we will have our top 2 till we meet her.
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    My /Chart; BFP 3/8/11 CP 3/16/11; 7/11 HSG & S/A both clear;
    Cycle 12~ 50 mg Clomid=BFP 9/9/11, Beta #1=280 & Beta #2=1513, 6w3d hb=122 bpm/ 8w2d hb=186 bpm/12w2d could not hear hb had a 3rd u/s and got to see the hb. 16w2d heard the hb! 156 bpm. A/S 1/3=girl
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    I do have a back up name, but for a paranoia reason. If one baby is special needs in any way I want a name with a stronger meaning (right now one name only means "son of ____"). I had a friend whose parents found out their 3rd had downs, so they named him after a strong character in the bible. For some reason this pregnancy I'm paranoid about this issue, maybe because as a non-FTM I know more people who've had issues and with twins there are increased chances. Who knows (seriously though, when I was a FTM ignorance was bliss!). 

    So if there are problems I'll go with my short list of names that have better meanings, like Declan (full of goodness) or Jude (patron of impossible causes) or Finn (fair hair warrior)-even if they are popular.  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    We never had a back up name.  Once we picked out a name, we started calling baby that name while I was still pregnant.  It felt like "their" name I'm guessing because of that.
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    We've picked a name, but we had two girl names and a boy name picked out before we found out the sex. So we have one of the girl names on reserve if she just fits it better, and we have the boy name if something goes wonky haha It wasn't planned, just worked out that way.
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    Yes, we have our favorite name and then a short list of others we really like.  Naming a baby is a huge responsibility!  I just dont want to make the wrong choice!! lol

    BFP#1 EDD 11/8/11 - MC @ 9w6d, 4/15/11 we said goodbye
    BFP#2 DD arrived 5/7/12
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    I didn't have a back-up name for my DD.  I think we are going with a name for this one too and going with it.  I really think he will look like what we have choose.  Also, after all this time of thinking of him by this name it would feel strange to change it after he is born.
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    We are team green so we have 2 girl names and 2 boy names picked out for the baby.  When the baby is born we will decide which name best fits the baby.

    loving being a mommy Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    We never had a back up name.  Once we picked out a name, we started calling baby that name while I was still pregnant.  It felt like "their" name I'm guessing because of that.

    This is what we're doing right now. And we just told our parents our #1 name this weekend. I don't see how she won't look like this name when she comes out, so we hadn't even thought of thinking of a back-up name. We do have a very strong #2 name that we will 99% use if we have a second girl, so I guess that would be her back-up name if necessary??

    If she comes out a boy, we are so screwed. We could never find boy names we liked!! 

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    Right now we have 4 names picked out.  I want to see my boys before we decide for sure.  I'm not even sure we have enough of a list yet.  I am a believer that you have to see the baby to know if the name fits :)
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    Last time around we suddenly thought the same thing.  But no matter how hard we tried there was no way we could come up with another set of names we liked.  And when DD was born the girl name we picked just seemed to suit her already. 
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    We're team green and plan to have a list of our favorite boy and girl names and then we'll make the final decision once we "meet" the little one.

    our plan exactly!  

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    Since LO is a boy, we have known that he would be Levi, no matter what. It just feels right and fits. I don't see me changing my mind, because he is a Levi already.

    However, if he had been a girl (or if he comes out a girl haha) we would have had 3 names picked to bring to the hospital. Not so much because we wanted to see what she looked like, but more because girl names were harder for us and would just wait to decide.

    1st BFP- March 2011. Natural MC @ 8 weeks
    2nd BFP- July 2011.  Chemical Pregnancy
    3rd BFP- Sep 2011. My beautiful son was born May 2012.
    4th BFP-August 2014- Due May 12, 2015

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    We're not going to have a back up name per se, we're just selecting a couple names and then we'll wait until she's born to decide.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I dont get the "she doesnt look like her name" thing so I wouldnt bother, However, I would have a boy name just in case!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    We have 4 names, 2 we love and 2 good back ups just in case. I really want the name to fit LO and not just give baby a name b/c we are sold on it. S/he could come out looking completely different than we think. My DH family has a handful of very red headed freckled ginger kids, but they are rare. We suspect that our LO won't look like this b/c neither of us do, but you just never know. It's sort of exciting to think we get to meet this little person and be so surprised. Getting excited! 
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    We never had a back up name.  Once we picked out a name, we started calling baby that name while I was still pregnant.  It felt like "their" name I'm guessing because of that.


    And hewinked, I didn't know you were a May mama, Congrats!

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    We are team green and plan to have 2 boys and 2 girls names we love so we can see what matches the baby :)

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    I dont get the "she doesnt look like her name" thing so I wouldnt bother, However, I would have a boy name just in case!

    Ha! This thought crossed my mind after reading the first few posts! Let's hope the two u/s techs and the doc are right or we will have a very confused little boy (DH and I call her by her name :))

    IAmPregnant Ticker
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    We never had a back up name.  Once we picked out a name, we started calling baby that name while I was still pregnant.  It felt like "their" name I'm guessing because of that.

    This is kind of my thought, especially since we call her by her name but DH asked and I was like...uhhh???? 

    IAmPregnant Ticker
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