March 2012 Moms

cramps anyone?

I have been having menstural type cramping for a couple of days now (off and on).  They are not super painful, but at this point in pregancy I have no clue what is going on with my body.

Anyone else have this?  Have you talked to your doc about it?  I am sure it's normal, right?

Re: cramps anyone?

  • I get this and I did speak to my peri about it. She said it's pretty normal, and not to worry, but to call if I get more than 6 in an hour.

    Me (32) DH (30)

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  • I woke up in the middle of last night with cramps. I almost wanted to wake up DH and have him take me to the ER, but I really do think it was just gas/constipation. I woke up feeling pretty exhausted today and kind of shaky, but I've been drinking water and taking it easy. The baby seems to be moving fine, and I haven't had any today. If I wake up like that again, I'll probably go get checked.
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    I get this and I did speak to my peri about it. She said it's pretty normal, and not to worry, but to call if I get more than 6 in an hour.
    Same, talked to my doctor yesterday about it and she said it is totally normal this late in the game to have these type cramps. She said if they start to get bad get you a big glass of what every you like to drink (water, juice, tea) and prop your feet up for a while. If you get more than 6 in a hour and it doesnt seem to be decreasing call your doctor and go to L&D. These cramp are actually contractions and if you have to go to L&D they have shots to make them stop.
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  • I feel so off today!! I could totally just go home and lie down. My doc said that they are just the BH and very normal. I am in the same boat as you

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  • I usually get them in the middle of the night. Lately have been waking up kind of crampy at least a few times a week. I always get up and walk around, pee, drink some water, and then lie back down on my left side.

    Most of the time it ends up being GI related. I either have gas and it relieves the cramps, or I can just feel it all moving which also points to GI. 

  • I have this and was also slightly worried since WTEWYE said that menstrual-type cramping was cause for concern. I talked to my doctor about it yesterday and she said not to worry unless I get 4+ cramps per hour. She said it's pretty normal.
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  • The other night I had menstrual type cramps, I had them the whole first tri, but they don't come every few min, like a contraction, I'm constantly sore for an hour or two at a time. I drink water and lay down and they go away. Growing pains maybe? 
  • I had this really bad one day and called my doc. They said that it could be because of dehydration and to drink as much water as possible - They also mentioned that if it continued to get more regular and more painful to call in. Well, drinking water did the trick, they slowely started getting better and better until I could barely feel them anymore.

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  • Yeah I think its often GI related too. Which is abnormal for me to describe GI problems like menstral cramps but for some reason that's what it seems to feel like at this point in pregnancy.

    My OB also said they were BH but they're not BH! I've had BH since 22 weeks and with BH I can feel actual contracting/tightening. These menstrual cramp pains are just pain no tightening at all.


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  • The thing with it being GI-related is that GI issues are also a sign of labor...whatever is going on in there can also impact your intestines.
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  • One odd thing I noticed about this pregnancy is that I tend to get really crampy right before any sort of weather event... like a big snow storm or rain storm... I suppose I'm just super sensitive to drops in barometric pressure.
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  • I had them terrible yesterday, along with some light pink spotting in the morning.  I called the doctor and the nurse thought that i could be loosing my mucous plug and I think the baby was just pushing down.  I feel 100% better today.  I find that if I drink lots of water that helps too.  but when in doubt, call or go in just to be safe.
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  • Yes! I've had horrible menstrual-like cramps all day today :( . I know they're normal, but they suck nonetheless.
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