January 2012 Moms

Love my boss <3

At 3:00 she said "You look miserable...go home and lay down for a while before going to pick up (my daughter)."  Aaaaahhhhh....!!!!  I'm hellbent on working until the week I'm scheduled for my section, but getting in a full day is near killing me.  By 2pm I.am.done.  So happy she saw it written all over my face, I didn't have to feel like I was bailing on her, and she is so understanding and compassionate!  Two more days, so thinking I will get out at 3 again tomorrow ...and I get out at 3 on Friday anyway.  Soooo, 12 more hours of work until I have a couple of days off and then BABY DAY!  

Of course next Monday I have a prenatal, Tuesday is my only FULL day off, Wednesday I have my preadmission testing and Thursday I have to be at the hospital by 5:30am.  

Can't wait to

A)  See our baby and find out if we have another daughter or a son!

B)  Be relieved of the horrific pains and discomfort I've had with this pregnancy (my first pregnancy was riddled with complications, but all in all this pregnancy has been MUCH tougher on me physically with aches and pains to a degree I never would have imagined!).  I will take the C section recovery over what I've been dealing with 24/7 for two months now!

C)  See my husband and his reaction to our baby...  (I was under general anesthesia for our first and missed out on the first couple of hours of my daughter's life on the outside). 

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Re: Love my boss <3

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    That is awesome that she was so understanding and proactive. And you're getting so close! Ahhh! 

    DD 1.18.2012
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    What a great boss!  So glad you can get some rest and I am entirely jealous that your c/s is so close.  I've had a really tough pregnancy too but my section isn't until 1/19.  I'm praying he comes sooner because I am done done done.


    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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    Your boss rocks!!!

    Mine LITERALLY told me to please keep my legs closed until I'm done with year end and my supervisor comes back which is 1/16. And then he said I need to make sure I MAKE UP my time for the doc appointment tomorrow. I'm leaving only 1.5 early and have worked my BUTT off this whole time and have put in overtime. UGH

    I'm so happy you have an understanding boss that is so important!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Your boss rocks!!!

    Mine LITERALLY told me to please keep my legs closed until I'm done with year end and my supervisor comes back which is 1/16. And then he said I need to make sure I MAKE UP my time for the doc appointment tomorrow. I'm leaving only 1.5 early and have worked my BUTT off this whole time and have put in overtime. UGH

    I'm so happy you have an understanding boss that is so important!


    I would "make up" a story about how I made up the time. What a jerk!

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