Special Needs

I need advice. DS with aspergers.

DS#1 was dx with Aspergers by hischool psychiatrist to get him into ECE (extra help) classes. We are currently in the LONG process of getting him into a developmental pedi. He is regressing. He is exceptionally bright, he is loving, he is a great kid...but MH and I are at our wits end with discipline and such. He does as he wants, he will not do chores (he doesn't really have the attention span to do so, but idk if that's aspergers related), and here recently, we're having a lot of problem with him pooing/peeing his pants. He'll tell ya why he did it, but when you tell him he's losing a privilege, he doesn't understand why. He needs therapy, but we're on a 6-12 month waiting list for a developmental pedi. I don't know how to handle him (I feel horrible for saying that), and I just need help. Is there anything I can do, or should be doing, until we see a developmental pedi? Thanks for any advice, and I am sorry for the run on sentences...I'm on my phone.
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Re: I need advice. DS with aspergers.

  • I'm no wealth of info but people will want to know how old DS1 is. Sounds like life is really challenging right now, sorry that you have so much going on at once. I hope you can get into the Dev. Pedi. ASAP.  Good luck!
  • imageJcrab:
    I'm no wealth of info but people will want to know how old DS1 is. Sounds like life is really challenging right now, sorry that you have so much going on at once. I hope you can get into the Dev. Pedi. ASAP.  Good luck!
    Sorry, I didn't think about that. DS is 6 years old. He was dx with aspergers in October.
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  • image-auntie-:

    How old is this child?

    Normally a child who gets and Asperger dx has no delays in adaptive skills like toileting.


    He has been toilet trained since he was almost 4. He has recently started regressing, I just don't undderstand why.
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  • Here is a link to some behavior charts....try and pick just 1 or 2 behaviors that really drive you crazy...but then reward the positive behavior...i.e.  my ds was hitting his brother so we targeted being gentle with him.  You could target the bathroom and give him a sticker to put on his chart or let him color the chart...when they are all full then he gets a small prize (my DS got to play the Wii with my husband.  Not sure if you have already tried this but being consistent is essential.  Also, keep a chart for yourself to see how many times a day you praise him.  Try and be so positive.  I know it must be so hard...the school psychologist or behaviorist may also be able to help you.  GL



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