D.C. Area Babies

F/U to new job/commute dilemma

Original post here:  https://community.thebump.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/61019184.aspx

I went to the interview, and absolutely loved the team, the manager, and hearing about the project.  It was pretty much a dream situation for someone in my industry.  Organization! Schedules! Standards and documentation!  They are also very pro- work/life balance, and kick you out the door at 8 hours since everyone is salary.  But I'd have to be on site every single day. 

I left the interview thinking how much I'd love working there, and that there might have been a way to make everything work...and then even though I left at 2:45pm, it took me an hour and a half to get home.  I picked up DD from daycare, and she reached for me for the first time, and we went home and had the best few hours of playing before bed.  So I wrote an email to the company to turn it down.

The next day, I was contacted for a fantastic opportunity, interviewed, and just got the offer - 100% work from home, not just my current title, but also a management role, a new Federal agency that I haven't worked with, and a really good hourly rate.  

I take back my earlier comment...maybe sometimes moms CAN have it all.  Not sure how I got so lucky to have something so perfect fall in my lap, but I'm incredibly excited :)

(And I'll be looking to hire a graphic artist later this Spring for some work, if anyone knows a freelancer looking for work :) 

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