
What do you feed your LOs? (re:weight gain issues)

Here we are again. Ella is still not gaining weight. She went in for synagis and a weigh today and has only gained 3 oz in 2 weeks with her new "diet".  I am feeding her everything under the sun 3 times a day plus 2 snacks. Plus 28 cal formula.  I am at a loss. I have tried healthy food, I have tried not so healthy food (but always have a fruit and a veggie).  I joke that she eats mroe than I do.  What do you give your LO to bulk up? 
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Re: What do you feed your LOs? (re:weight gain issues)

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    I wish I had some advice - DD is a chunkster and still only gets BM and Formula. Does the Pedi have any suggestions?  I know avacado has a lot of good "fat" in it. I dont know if it makes a difference in calorie intake to add cereal to the formula.  Madi took BM with neosure and rice cereal when she first got home from the NICU. She put on weight really fast drinking that "milkshake"
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    We do full fat yogurt, avocado, lentils, cheese...but I'm sure you are doing all of those things. 

    It sounds like she is eating really well! 

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    Sorry this is a struggle.  How many oz of formula is she drinking a day?  Maybe she is getting too much food, and not enough 28-cal milk?  I would try to make the bulk of her calories formula (maybe replace a snack - or two - with another bottle?)

    As for foods, ditto on the advacado, full fat yogurt, and cheese.  Veggies and fruits are good, but don't have as many calories.

    Good luck.

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    Thanks ladies. Im not a huge fan of our nutrionist so that is why I asked here. She takes at minimum 36 oz of 28 cal formula a day. And since she cannot self really, DH and I spend the majority of our day feeding her.  We have tried all of that.  I am afraid that I am getting into "bad food" categories (too many bad fats) so that is why I make sure we always have fruits and veggies servings a couple times a day.  I just dont know what else to do.
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    From what I hear they plateau around now so not to panic if that's seen (that's me telling myself, too!) - until they're one they still get their nutrients from BM or F so the only advice I have is to be sure you're giving LO the same amount as though they weren't having food. We BLW, FYI, so that's the direction I'm coming from. I hope this works out soon!
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    Has the nutritionist suggested adding oils to her bottles?  That was our plan with Kevin (he's Failure to Thrive) but he's aspirating so we can't do it.
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    Have you had her checked by a pediatric endocrinologist?  I know very little about it from a pediatric side, but I myself have hypothyroidism.  I control it by taking Synthroid.  On the other side of the spectrum is hyperthyroidism.  People who have hyperthyroidism can lose weight even if they're eating a ton.  It might be worth checking with your pedi about.  I'm sure there are other endocrine diseases that would have similar symptoms, too.

    Good luck!

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    Avacado, full fat yogurt, beans, lentils, pasta with lots of butter and cheese, put butter on everything and cook everything you make for them in butter, cheese
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    She takes at minimum 36 oz of 28 cal formula a day. And since she cannot self really, DH and I spend the majority of our day feeding her.  We have tried all of that. 

    That is a lot of formula, so I don't think that she isn't getting enough milk.  I think I would get a second opinion too, b/c it sounds like you are doing everything right.  Good luck.

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    Neocate website sells a product called "duocal". Check it out for helping them bulk up without affecting taste or food allergies. 

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    I think you need to see a doctor, probably an endocrenologist and sooner rather than later. I was going to suggest that you might be feeding her too much "food" replacing higher calorie milk, but 36 oz of 28 calorie formula should meet the calorie needs for most average weight 1 year olds to gain and grow...adding 3 meals + 2 snacks to that and she should be gaining well. Diabetes, thyroid, malabsorbition, celiac, mito and secondary issues (respiratory troubles, etc) are some possible issues that might interfere with weight gain.
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