
My sister's boyfriend died last night - wwyd?

Her BF was getting ready to go somewhere, and because of car trouble he had to start the car from underneath, with the car in neutral. He didn't block the tires and it rolled on top of him. By the time my sister thought something was out of the ordinary and went outside to check on him, it was too late. 

I offered to drive the 3 hours to be with her and my niece but she said she wants me to stay home because she is afraid I will get hurt driving there. I understand her fear, but I want to be there.....I also don't want to be in the way or step on anyone's toes. If I were her I would probably say the same thing. She has a good support system, she will be ok. But I feel like I should be there.


Any T&P for my sister and niece, and BF's family would be appreciated.

Angie ~ mom to Tyler (10yrs) & Taryn (5yrs)
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Re: My sister's boyfriend died last night - wwyd?

  • I'd go.  But don't tell her you're coming so she doesn't have to worry.  Bring her favorite comfort food. 

    I'm so sorry.  Sending lots of t&ps.  

  • Im so sorry. I will keep your sister and family in my prayers. I would want to be there too. Maybe try calling in a few hours and tell her you want to be with her or do whatever she needs. Maybe you could go and keep your niece busy.

    So sorry

    My mom 10/8/1959-10/31/2011 image Dylan image
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  • I'm SO sorry for her loss!  OMG!
    I would drive there.  I would have to.  Once you get there, I promise you, she will not be mad that you did drive there.


  • imageDandelionMom:

    I'd go.  But don't tell her you're coming so she doesn't have to worry.  Bring her favorite comfort food. 

    I'm so sorry.  Sending lots of t&ps.  

    This exactly.  

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  • How horrible :o(. Just go--you'll be a comfort to her when once you get there.
  • imageMrs Manners:

    I'd go.  But don't tell her you're coming so she doesn't have to worry.  Bring her favorite comfort food. 

    I'm so sorry.  Sending lots of t&ps.  

    This exactly.  

    Thanks guys. This is what I was thinking. 

    Angie ~ mom to Tyler (10yrs) & Taryn (5yrs)
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  • I'm glad you're going...she needs you.  Sending t&ps...what an awful tragedy. :(
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • wow that is awful.  i would just show up.
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  • I'm so so sorry. How terrible. I would drive out to her, but maybe not tell her you're coming so she isn't worried the entire time you're on the road.
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  • I would go, especially if you have a close relationship. T&P for your family & his famil
  • Go, just go.  Don't tell her.  She might not know it right now but she is going to need people around in the next few days.

    I am so sorry, I will keep her in my prayers.

    Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
  • I am so, so sorry for your loss, how tragic.  One of DH's best friends was killed in a very tragic accident several months ago, and he was dating one of my girlfriends.  It has been a very hard time to process all of this.  When he died, all of her siblings & best friends rushed to be with her & didn't leave her alone.  While my friend said that was kind of overwhelming, on the other hand, she also didn't feel like she could have been alone right then (it took weeks before she was able to) and she really appreciated everyone physically being there.  If it is safe for you to go (weather-wise) I would go. 
  • Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for the loss :( RIP <3

    I'd want to be there too, if I was in your position... I'd probably just call again later and see if she changes her mind... Or I'd just go anyway..  

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