Health & Exercise


I have been a runner my entire life... for some reason I have given it up since finding out that I was pregnant with my first child 9 weeks ago... I have been using the elliptical at the gym instead. I feel like if I dont run soon, I might just kill everyone around me since running is such a stress reliever for me. Anyone else feel like this? Would it be ok to pick it up again at this point in my pregnancy? I am one of those over-worried, stressed out first timers... any advise would be great :)

Re: Running

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    I don't see the harm in slowly starting to run again.  I most certainly would not jump right in where you left off 9 weeks ago though.  Best bet would be to ask your doctor. 

    I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was 8-9 weeks, so I had already been running and have conitnued to do so.


    My Running Blog!

    2012: Running & Race Accomplishments:

    2-12-12: Riverview Winter Fest 4 mile, 34:59 8:45 pace - 23 weeks pregnant
    2-29-12: Leap Year 4 mile, 36:45 9:11 pace - 25.5 weeks pregnant
    3-11-12: Corktown 5K, 28:33 9:13 pace - 27 weeks pregnant
    3-25-12: Rock CF Island Half Marathon, 2:11:03 10:00 pace - 29 weeks pregnant
    4-16-12 Boston Marathon, deferring to 2013
    8-11-12: Run thru Hell 10 mile or 4.8 mile
    9-30-12: Brooksie Way Half Marathon
    10-21-12: Grand Rapids Marathon
    11-22-12: Detroit Turkey Trot 10K

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    I ran in all of my pregnancies.  Just remember to take it slow at first.  Be prepared for feel more fatigued than normal and even slower.  I'm also worked in more spin and swim if the runs feel like to much.  Listen to your body and remember to be safe. 
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    I ran through my entire pregnancy.  I don't see why you shouldn't if you're up for it and there's no medical reason preventing you.

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    I am still running for the most part. I had a 10 mile race the day I got my BFP, so I had a pretty good base.The last week or so has been harder, but I just have to slow down more now.

    Start probably still have a good base since you didn't stop working out entirely, but I don't know why you couldn't run as long as your Dr. is okay with it.

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    I've read that as long as you feel comfortable doing it, it is fine, specially if you have been a runner for long before you got pregnant. Just listen to your body.
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    I ran up until 20 weeks then switched to swimming and swam up until the day I delivered basically with both pregnancies.

    Just start off slow. You might find that you have to go slower.. I know I did. 

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    I'm just like you!

    When I found out I was pregnant, I did the same thing as you (elliptical, no weights!) for at least 2 months. I was so scared I'd lose the baby.

    Then slowly I got back on the treadmill and started jogging alternating with elliptical or hiking on the treadmill/jogging in Central Park. 

    I continued this until I was about 27 weeks, when I started to get lots of pressure during jogs.Then I stopped jogging.

    Do what feels good and what your body can handle!! Do not push it.I feel like I've pushed myself a bit, because I was so determined to stay fit.

    Accept the fact, that your runs may be more like leisurely jogs, as your body may not be able to handle more.

    Now I'm over 35 weeks, and walking 1.5 miles in the park gives me contractions.i just have to accept it.LO is the most important... 



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