July 2012 Moms

When did you tell your boss?

I was planning to wait as long as possible to tell my boss I'm pregnant, but now I'm considering telling him sooner than later. I had to miss 3 days of work due to extreme nausea and vomiting (see the post about my hospital visit below!). He is very understanding but I feel like I'm being dishonest not telling him the truth. I am a very hard worker and would hate for him to think I'm being a "drama queen" or something by not coming into work because I just didn't feel well.

Anyway, when did you tell your boss... or when do you plan to tell him/her?

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Re: When did you tell your boss?

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    I plan on waiting until the second trimester. Maybe partway through the second, depending on how much I'm showing. I'm a skinny thing, so it might be sooner than I'd like.

    Do you think your boss won't take it well, or is it that you just want to be as up-front as possible?

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    I haven't told yet... on December 20th we'll have an u/s and I'll probably tell her at some point after that appt.  Not really sure exactly when though.

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    I told my principal today. I'm not planning on returning to work after the baby arrives, and they've already started making the master schedule for next year. I'm teaching classes that a first year teacher wouldn't normally teach, so my class load needs to be altered as they make the schedule.

    Thankfully, my principal was 100% understanding even though he admitted I'll be missed. He knows that I'm not submitting a formal letter of resignation until the end of the year in case something happens, and I completely trust him to keep my secret. :)

    Mommy to N (3), J (2), and C (10 months). LO4 is due in mid-September.
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    I'm waiting until the beginning of the 2nd trimester, that being said she did know I was doing fertility treatments so she probably knows somethings up ;)
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    Do you think your boss won't take it well, or is it that you just want to be as up-front as possible?

    I guess it's that I want to be as up-front as possible... at the same time, I guess I really don't need to tell until I feel comfortable, right? I'm also dreading it a little bit. I'm an engineer and work in a very male-dominated industry and I have a feeling there are going to be some awkward moments once news gets around the office!  Smile

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    I'm waiting until mid January (should be around 13 weeks by then). If I'm starting to show it'll look like holiday weight gain :-)  My 2011 evaluation will be held in Jan and I'll find out what my bonus is. I'll spill the beans some time after that.
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    I was planning on waiting until the second trimester to tell her, but I actually spilled the beans on Monday. Her and I are VERY close and she knows when I'm lying or hiding something. I didn't help that I had two different appointments to go to...so she knew something was up.

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    I plan on telling my boss shortly after the new year (around 13 weeks or so). My annual review is scheduled for the end of December, so I want to wait until that is done. :)
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    Mine knew the day after my +HPT, ridiculously early, like 3w5d.  I was out of the office for a month to do IVF, so she knew it was a possibility, and I had to get my paperwork processed so I don't end up having my baby in Afghanistan.
    Twin boys due 7/25/12
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    With DD I had to tell right away since I was around inhalant anesthesia a lot then.

    With this one I probably won't tell anyone anything at all. Spay/neuter and other surgery responsibilities have become strongly pigeon-holed here so I'm not around as much inhalant anesthesia anymore. I anticipate quitting my job before I have the baby so it doesn't really concern my current employer.

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    I told my office mangager and the dr's I work with last week. I wanted them to be prepared if I have bad m/s like I did with my first pregnancy. They all took it well and are excited for us. I think it helps that I work in a pediatric office
    Matt and Krystal 9-18-05
    DD 1/29/07 -

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    I accepted a new job last week (before I knew I was pregnant). I feel awful about not telling them yet. I actually don't start for another week and half (gave two weeks). Its my old boss and I know he will be understanding but I still don't feel comfortable until I am closer to second tri. I guess we will have to see. The positive is no one but him knows what I look like so I probably could get away with it a little longer!
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    I had to tell mine at 4 weeks. I have a weird job that immediately got me work restrictions *cause no one recommends the pregnant lady handling listeria samples or being in a rendering facility with all those chemicals*


    If I didn't have to have the restrictions placed on me at work, I was going to wait a good long time like when I was starting to show. I don't like most of my coworkers and I don't want them to know. Already 5 extra people know because my boss... he having never had a pregnant employee before doesn't seem to know that sometimes you want to keep it a secret *my boss is an old farm boy, so he just likes to yell things out his office door*

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    I accepted a new job last week (before I knew I was pregnant). I feel awful about not telling them yet. I actually don't start for another week and half (gave two weeks). Its my old boss and I know he will be understanding but I still don't feel comfortable until I am closer to second tri. I guess we will have to see. The positive is no one but him knows what I look like so I probably could get away with it a little longer!


    Omg me too and i am soooo nervous to tell the new employer but i applied before i knew and got called in for my first interview a few days after i found out.  I plan to keep the job after baby though... It is what it is. 

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    When I was pregnant with my son, I told my boss at 14 weeks. However, I barely had even a hint of morning sickness with him, so I wasn't missing work. I really think it's personal preference. If pregnancy is affecting your job, you may want to tell him. If he's as understanding as you think he is, he's probably concerned for you.

    ETA: With this one, I'm not working, thank go. I've been so sick I'm not sure I would have gotten through if I had a job. But, I need to start job hunting now that I passed my licensing test, and I'm not looking forward to doing that pregnant. 

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    I told mine at 5 weeks, because I work at a coffee shop and have to lift a lot of heavy things...but one nice perk is no heavy lifting, plus I don't have to tuck in my shirt anymore! Haha.

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    My situation is somewhat unique in that I've worked remotely for the last 7 years. So I can hide a pregnancy for a good long time. Even if I'm really sick, tired, showing, etc. 

    DD - I told him almost immediately. I had just received a job offer for a job that would have been lower travel (easier to do post-baby!) -- but I didn't really want to take it, and wanted to talk to my boss about ways to reduce my travel without changing jobs. I HAD to get a definitive answer on that before I turned down the low-travel job. So, I told. (And he was able to reduce my travel, so I'm glad I did!)

    DS - I told at around 11 weeks. I wanted to wait till 13 weeks, when I'd see my boss in person, but he was going into a big planning meeting, and the fact that I would be going out on maternity leave definitely factored into the plans being made. So I didn't want him to plan assuming that I'd be there for the foreseeable future, and then tell him just a few weeks later that that wouldn't be the case.

    I haven't told with this one yet. I won't even consider telling until we either hear or see the HB. My boss was supposed to come to town next week for some meetings, and I was hoping to tell him then, but he just cancelled. So, I don't know when I'll tell. I do want to tell sooner rather than later, because all my friends work at my company, so I can't really tell them until I tell my boss, for fear of word getting to him through the grapevine instead of directly from me.

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

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    in month 8 if possible. 


    i'm holding out as long as i can. im up for a big promotion, and i dont want to be treated differently by the old boys club here. 

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