January 2011 Moms

Refusing the bottle

She has generally drank 4  8 oz bottles a day.  Lately she will take it for about 30 seconds then flip her entire body over, or shove the bottle away with her hands.

She does NOT want the sippy cup, but is still pretty good about eating solids and Cheerios. I wonder if I am over doing the solids, and need to give her less of that, and more formula.

I'm lucky to get her to drink 4 ozs per feeding (4 bottle feedings. So our formula intake is cut in half)

Is your LO doing this? Tips? Or is this just normal?

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Re: Refusing the bottle

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    DD is not doing that (yet).  At our last pedi visit, I asked "When should solids start replacing formula?"... she said to let baby decide and to offer solids first and then a bottle after for most of the meals of the day (3ish).

    Of course go by what your pedi said if it's different, and what you feel comfortable with. She said it is ok for them to start self-weaning off of milk/formula/whatever between now and a year.

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    I just asked about this at the well visit on Friday, and they told me that babies start to figure out their schedule, and it takes the parents time to adjust.  I was concerned with him not getting enought food.  He is now going longer, and I am giving him a lunch solid now instead of a bottle.  So he is up to 3 solid meals per day, and a few bottles.

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    I am not ready to give up the bottle. She just started holding it herself, and that was heartbreaking enough.


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    Yea, I'd be happy if DD was satisfied with lots of solids. I think she is dependent on bottle feeding lol. She loves her food but she always looks for the boob or bottle an hour after eating and at night.
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    My DD is the same way! I took her to the doc and he said that it is normal and not to worry about it. DD was taking 24oz a day and now is to 15oz a day. She is still happy and gaining weight, so that makes me happy :) 

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    I refuse to believe that our babies are this old now. ((runs off to cry))

    Siggy Badges

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    I refuse to believe that our babies are this old now. ((runs off to cry))

    Pass me the tissue.

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    This explains so much. JT usually takes the boob but a few weeks ago when he got a bottle took 5 ounces. Now, it's 3, maybe 4 tops. I keep throwing away BM (boo hooo hoo). However, he's not a great solid eater but has been doing a lot better these days. 

    Edit: Oh, and my pedi told me I can start cow's milk at 10 months (no more than 18 oz a day) to wean from nursing. Seems too soon for me but he said it nevertheless. 

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    I have no suggestions. My kids are bottle-lovers. I would go with what she's showing you though. Just continue to offer it. It's good that she's interested in solids! Hopefully she will be a good eater :)


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