Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Pedi said no to BLW

So went to G's 6 month check up yesterday and she gave me the OK to start solids...but had never heard of BLW.  I was kinda disappointed in her because she is really up to speed on a lot of other things and I just can't believe she has never heard of it.  She said absolutely no way should we just dive right into solids and that we must do purees.  But since she has not heard of it, I can't really depend on her opinion.  Anyone else go through with BLW after pedi did not reccommend it?  I am really convinced that it is the way to go for I'm torn. 
image April 2, 2011 Exclusive Pumping Facebook Group Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Pedi said no to BLW

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    Our pedi told us to do CIO at our 3 month appointment.  We did eventually do Ferber, but I think a lot of what they say is subjective and an opinion.  You are the parents and you get to take that advice and then decide what to do going forward.
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    ummm...what IS BLW?  I've seen it in a few posts now and I'm lost.
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    ummm...what IS BLW?  I've seen it in a few posts now and I'm lost.

    Baby Led Weaning...

    image April 2, 2011 Exclusive Pumping Facebook Group Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I think drs should give medical advice and not parenting advice. I never seem to agree with their parenting advice. Mine was really pushy about doing CIO even after I told him I wasn't going to do it. I didn't do it with my first, I'm not doing it now.  So if you are educated in BLW and want to do it than that is more knowledge than your Pedi has.  
    Baby #3 on the way!
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    Especially if she's never heard of it, you can't really take her opinion. Well, I mean she's a DR, so take her opinion, but with a grain of salt.  I think with most things you have to use your own judgement even if that means going against the pedi. I have an awesome pedi who will tell me what he's "supposed to" and then give me the real deal. For example, at our 2 mo visit, we talked about P sleeping in the carseat. Dr said he has to tell me that the risk of SIDS increases 40% (that may be wrong %, but that's not the point) when babies sleep the majority of the time in their carseat.  Then he said "I have 3 kids- 2 were crib sleepers from day 1, but my daughter slept in the carseat 100% of the time until she was 4 mos old"  He said sometimes you just have to do what you have to do for your child and your sanity and if you're an intelligent person then use your own judgement.

    He also OKd solids (cereal and purees) at 3 months for us because P was ready. But he said "it's generally recommended at 4-6 mos"  There's a certain amount of "cover your ass" at most practices.


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    Use your own pedi suggested BLW. They are all different.
    BFP # 1- DS ~ TTC #2 since Jan. 2012 - BFP # 2 - "Baby Elsie" - Blighted Ovum - D&C August 22, 2012 at 7w3d, BFP # 3 - CP - December 30, 2012, BFP # 4 - CP - March 19, 2013 ~ First RE Appt. 4/24/13 Med cycle #1: 50mg Clomid and Trigger shot = BFN. Med. Cycle #2: 6 cysts found. No meds/rest cycle. Trying on our own = BFP # 5! Beta #1 = 77, Beta #2 = 129 Beta #3 = 94 - CP - July 2, 2013. BFP # 6! Beta#1 = 21, Beta#2 =58 Beta#3 = 134. U/S shows heartbeat of 142 at 7w2d!
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    I think drs should give medical advice and not parenting advice. I never seem to agree with their parenting advice. Mine was really pushy about doing CIO even after I told him I wasn't going to do it. I didn't do it with my first, I'm not doing it now.  So if you are educated in BLW and want to do it than that is more knowledge than your Pedi has.  

    I agree with all of this.

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    It has never come up at ours.  They gave me a print out at the 4m check up.  If they ask how she is eating at the 9m appointment I'll tell them.  I also agree with pp that they provide medical care not parenting care.  Good luck in what ever you choose.
                                                 Mom to 4 wonderful daughters
                                 Breanna, Ellie and 
                                 our 2 rainbow babies.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    Your pedi doesn't get to decide how you feed your kid. :)
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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    Our doctor recites the 4-6 month recommendation on food and that's it. If we want specific answers regarding food, he'll refer you to a dietician or a nutritionist. He's a medical doctor, not a food specialist.
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    DS didn't see his pedi between 4 months and 7.5 months. She kept canceling his appointments. When we finally did see her at 7.5 months she asked if he was eating solids. I said yes. She asked if we were feeding purees or soft foods. I said soft foods and she said "oh great." End of discussion.

    Your kid, your decision. The pedi is there to give you advice on medical things. Even if it were a medical things, you don't HAVE to do what the pedi tells you, and definitely not about non-medical things. You are the parent.

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    This is exactly why I love our pedi.  Because even though parenting advice isn't always wanted he listens to us and gives up examples of both sides on how things have worked for other children he's seen.  He spends at least an hour with us at each appointment and talks us through all of our issues or concerns.  Sleeping is a huge one for us and he told us by 9 months if she wasn't sleeping to bring her into our bed and let evenone get a little more sleep.  He also said just go slow.  Your child will let you know what they're comfortable with and what they're not ready for.  Our daughter vomited meat, so we're waiting.  But basically he said just make sure nothing is bigger than a cheerio to try.
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    I'd do it. We have ignored some of our pedi's advice (CIO when we felt it was too early, forcing a schedule at a young age). We really go to our pedi for medical issues, not parenting advice. He's a great doctor (and a parent of 15 month old twins, so sometimes has good parenting advice) but when it comes to parenting, their advice is just as subjective as anyone's.

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    Thanks everyone, I think that I am going to do BLW after all.  From my research it makes perfect sense to me.  I think as long as everyone is on board (DH, my mom and SMIL, and DCP) and has the right information it will work.  I'm working on putting stuff together to create a plan on what we will be introducing when.

     Thanks for all of your input.

    image April 2, 2011 Exclusive Pumping Facebook Group Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    We did BLW after our pedi advised us against it and it's gone really well so far.  At DD's 4-mo appt, I brought up BLW because I was reading the book at the time and the dr said she was concerned about it being a choking hazard.  We dropped the subject because it wasn't time to start solids yet, anyway,  At our 6-mo appt, she brought up solids and gave me a handout on what foods to start with, foods to avoid, etc.  And we pretty much just left it at that and did it our own way.

    Then only thing I'd suggest, however, is to really read the BLW book.  It's a little repetitive, however it really gave me the confidence to deal with gagging, which happens at the beginning and can be quite scary (but is not the same as choking).

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    Doctors are for medical opinions. Your LO got the medical okay to start consuming food other than BM or formula. How she consumes that food is a parenting decision, which is not something I go to my pedi for. If you have researched it, plan on doing it safely, and feel it is right for you and your family, then go for it. GL! 

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    LOL I'm not even telling my pedi that's what we're doing. It's considered too new and it's seen as a crackpot hippie thing, though I'm fine with it since it's clearly what babies did before purees existed. It's more time-tested in Europe, so it's not shocking your pedi's never heard of it. When the doctor asks how solids are going, I'll just say "Great!"
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    Our pedi was not supportive at all, and when I told her we had started avocado, she told us that we should wait on it and go with rice cereal instead.  So I just smiled, said thanks, and left it at that.

     Oddly enough, the same day I talked to a nurse with my insurance company, and when she asked if I'd started rice, I told her that I didn't see a need for over processed carbs, and instead felt better going with the good fats that are in avocado.  She was quiet for a moment, but then said she had never heard that but she wholeheartedly agreed.

    Nathaniel David 3/22/11 #2 due 12/16/12
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