Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Help! How do I get my 5 month old to go to sleep awake?

Recently at an infant program of 14 other moms a poll was taken and everyone else puts their babies in their cribs awake to fall asleep for naps.  I usually nurse my LO and she falls asleep in my arms then I put her down for either nap or bedtime.  If I try to lay her down awake she just crys.  I have been letting her cry for 10 mins before going to her, but she is just so upset and I end up rocking her to sleep anyway.  She will not take a sucky.  Any advice?
Formerly the untaggable Mrs. D S Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker}

Re: Help! How do I get my 5 month old to go to sleep awake?

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    This sounds JUST like us!  I have no advice other than my husband and I have decided that if it works for us, then it is what it is.  DS is happy and heathly and if feeding ( we FF) helps him sleep then so be it (even though we know it's not the best thing according to everything we read).  Good luck!!
    Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
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    I don't get why a poll suddenly changed your parenting choice, but I guess that's besides the point...

    I nurse my daughter to sleep. It works for us. Why try to fix something that isn't broken?

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    J never put himself to sleep until I introduced a lovey. Now he rubs it against his face and puts himself to sleep all the time. Last night he started falling asleep with it while I was changing his diaper! Try it, it may work. Just make sure to take it away once he is asleep.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Sometimes I wear DS out by playing with him for the hour before bed.  For example, bedtime is 8:00, and it's 7:15 right now.  He's fed, changed, and ready.  I have him on my lap and we are playing while on the computer.  Sometimes I'll stop to bounce him around.  He's exhausted by 8.  I don't always have to do this, but he's been fighting naps all day.
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    Just like everyone else, we're still learning too.  There are many different thoughts, opinions and books.  However I am reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy baby...or healthy baby?  lol can't remember right now.  Anyway, it suggests putting baby to sleep once she starts to get tired....drowsy but not overtired.  When they are overtired is when they start to get fussy and fight to go to sleep. 

    The first time we tried this (about a month ago - she's almost 4 months now), we were amazed! She basically fell asleep on her own with NO fussing, crying or fighting.

    My LO also will not take a soother which is frustrating sometimes because I know she will fall asleep as soon as I put my breast in her mouth but I'm trying to break that habit as it leaves us very restricted and makes it impossible for DH to try to soothe her if I'm out.

    Slowly she is learning to fall asleep "on her own".  Be will surprise yourself.


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    I wouldn't worry about it.  I used to rock DD to sleep every night, and she stopped liking it all of sudden so we started putting her down drowsy.  Don't worry about what other people do.  Just do what feels right for you and your child.  Your kid is not being spoiled.  Maybe as LO gets older, try rocking less (not to sleep completely) and then put them in.  It will all work out and you won't have to rock your kid to sleep at college.
    Anna Kate 10.17.2009 Alexander 6.10.2011 Baby Girl 6.2014
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    My kids both put themselves to sleep.  It's good to learn to let them learn to self-soothe so when they stir at night, they can continue sleeping.  Lay them in bed drowsy but awake.  if they are overtired, they will scream their little heads off, so avoid that at all costs! :) Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child is a great book with great advice.  Being consistent is important.  We never had to do CIO with DS1 and he's STTN since he was 2 months old.  DS2 also is an amazing sleeper.
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    I think whether you can do this depends onyour child's temperament. DS has two modes...asleep and awake. There is no in between for him at this stage in the game. U til he started teething. He slept through the night after I nursed him to sleep so I'm generally not concerned about it. I do believe in helping him develop good sleep habits, but I also believe that if he still needs me at 6 months old im willing to nurse him to sleep.
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    Just because a baby nurses to sleep initially doesn't mean they will be unable to put themselves to sleep in the middle of the night if/when they wake up. I nurse my DD to sleep, and I hear her babbling at 3am and 5am, but she'll be back asleep within about 10 minutes without any help from me.

    Derek - February 2013        Caelyn April 2011

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