Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Unexplained fevers

DD has been sick since Wednesday evening. It happened very quickly...laughing and playing one hour and feverish and miserable the next... her fever got up past 103. So, we took her to the doctor the next morning because she was not being herself at all. She was lathargic and crying. She had every test run under the sun (which was horrible to watch)...but they still have no idea what is going on. They gave her an antibiotic just in case, even though her white blood cell count wasn't elevated at all. She woke up this morning acting more like herself, even ate some lunch, but now she is back to being miserable again. She only wants to be held and refuses fluids right now. She also has vomited but only when her fever gets too high. I have a few questions: anyone else's LO have unexplained fevers and figure out what it was?? Also, how the heck do you give medicine to a toddler that refuses? I have tried everything but she spits it out and refuses to eat/drink anything when I try adding it. Any advice would be helpful!

Re: Unexplained fevers

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    My DD HATES all medicine except Flinstones Complete.

    Anyways I have to pin her down and force her jaw open. I put my finger all the way in the back where there are no teeth so she cant close her mouth. I slowly put a little in at a time. I know she hates it but when I have to get something in I have to get it in. She had an allergic reaction yesterday and took me a good 3 minutes or so to get in 5 ml.

    Sorry you are going through this.

    BFP #1 4/6/09; EDD 12/6/09; miscarriage 4/10/09..............BFP #2 5/3/09; DD born 1/9/10........BFP #3 12/15/12, EDD 8/31/13; baby stopped growing at 5w3d; natural miscarriage..........BFP #4 2/8/13, EDD 10/20/13; missed miscarriage discovered 9w2d; d/c.......BFP #5 10/22/13, EDD 7/8/13; miscarriage 10/28/13..... BFP #6 11/19/13; DS born 7/29/14 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red51\green51\blue51;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl280\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker} {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red51\green51\blue51;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl280\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker}
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    It sounds viral. I would keep offering her fluids and food when/if she'll eat it. Use motrin/tylenol cool baths to keep the fever down. She might develop a rash after the fever breaks.
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    You should really let the fever go - it's the body's way of fighting an illness and suppressing it isn't a good thing unless it's dangerously high (sustained 104+ for several hours). It does sound viral so I'd treat her other symptoms, hydrate, and keep her comfortable.
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    There are a number of viruses that start with unexplained fevers - Roseola being one of them. They have a high fever for a few days which then breaks and they get a rash (that isn't bothersome). Personally I would not give antibiotics without knowing they are necessary. I'd just try to keep her hydrated and give ibuprofen or tylenol if the fever gets high or she seems uncomfortable.
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    You should really let the fever go - it's the body's way of fighting an illness and suppressing it isn't a good thing unless it's dangerously high (sustained 104+ for several hours). It does sound viral so I'd treat her other symptoms, hydrate, and keep her comfortable.

     I am not one to usually medicate, but when my daughter has 103+ fever and is MISERABLE, I will give her motrin. Otherwise, I let her body do what its supposed to do...if she had a fever and was acting fine, I wouldn't worry about medicating... 

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    DD had an unexplained fever a month or so ago. Up to 103 and miserable, then the next day it was gone. Now she has a fever again, but I think this one is teething related.

    We give DD the Walmart brand infant ibuprophen. It comes in berry flavor with a syringe to put in their mouth, and she LOVES it. Even when she's cranky.

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    There has never been a real explanation for any of DD's fevers. They break after 24 hours with no illness, usually no teeth, it's just weird. She had one today around 102, I just give her Motrin when she starts getting clingy and pathetic. Our office won't see them unless is lasts over 24 hours and hers never have.

    She's a med hound so no advice there. I don't even have to plunge the syringe, she sucks it all out herself.

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