D.C. Area Babies

DS is having a heck of time eating solids. Anyone else?

So here's my other problem with DS, besides the poor little guy's diagnosis of asthma. 

He has both eczema and is still on soy formula due to his - what do they call it?  It's not lactose intolerance at this age - dairy aversion?  Whatever they call it.

Apparently it is common for asthma, eczema and food allergies to all go hand in hand.  Lovely!

DS, who is ten months, only eats one solid meal a day (lunch).  He eats stage 1 baby food mixed with cereal and soy formula.  My DCP provider is better at getting him to eat this one meal than me.  He absolutely despises solids of any kind - teething biscuits, anything with texture - he had two reactions:  1) he pushes it all out of his mouth and 2) any small amount that gets down his throat makes him gag to the point of throwing up.  It's not too great to sit at the dinner table and have him suddenly projectile vomit onto the dinner table.  The girls started squealing with delight last night when he did it - distracting them from their food.  Blech.

Again - anyone else?  Any advice?  The girls were both eating like champs at ten months - this little guy just likes to make us work harder. 

Wife, Musician, Fed, WW-er, and Mom of three little kids - not necessarily in that order.

Re: DS is having a heck of time eating solids. Anyone else?

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    Oh no, poor little guy. Have you tried making his food really thin, more like soup than puree? We had to do that for a while.  Have you talked to your pedi about the possibility of him having reflux issues?
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    any small amount that gets down his throat makes him gag to the point of throwing up.

    I know DS is younger, but this is us exactly. He loves bananas as a puree, but give him even the tiniest, mushiest chunks of it and he gags.  He even puts them in his own mouth and then gags when they get past his lips.  I just keep giving him the purees (some of the stage 2s are still pretty thin and he really likes every flavor in the Earth's Best Antioxidant Blends variety pack, if that helps).  Every now and then we try some finger foods or puffs and see if his reaction changes.  I figure eventually it will.  Some people have said try letting him feed himself the purees with his own spoon - but I can't imagine DS having the coordination to do that.  Maybe at 10 months he could?

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    Have you tried letting him self-feed? Sometimes babies just don't like purees and especially at 10 months, they tend to want to feed themselves. Mine has been on table food since 8 months, he didn't like the stage one purees at all, only the chunkier ones or table foods. He has no teeth (still at 11 months) but has no issues eating stuff.
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    Ahhh - we were assuming if he didn't like purees that he wasn't ready for chunkier stuff, but maybe it's just the opposite - and he'd prefer the chunky stuff - maybe while self feeding - great ideas!!  He does have 8 teeth.
    Wife, Musician, Fed, WW-er, and Mom of three little kids - not necessarily in that order.
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    FWIW,  DS at 8 months really prefers feeding himself.  He'll eat yogurt when I feed it to him, but he prefers finger foods and grabs at everyone's plates until he has something of his own to eat.  I like it too.  I actually get to eat my dinner hot.  Although the clean up portion of the evening now takes twice as long.    
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    DD2 didn't start eating anything of note until she was 10-11 months old.  Between 6-10 months she probably ate a total of one whole sweet potato (I make all her food).  She had zero interest and lived on BM only.  She didn't like chunks, she didn't like purees, she wouldn't self-feed, she gagged, etc. She just plain didn't want it.  And somethings she wouldn't even touch with her hands or she would spit out - definitely texture issues.  And then she pulled a bottle strike for three weeks at DCP and we were thisclose to being sent to a feeding team.  We worked it out and now, at 12 months she is eating well.  She has 2-3 meals a day.  She still has some texture issues, but she self feeds some things (crackers, scrambled eggs, bananas, soft pears, apples, etc.) and she eats chunky/mashed purees.  We are WAY behind in trying new foods because I pretty much backed off until she was ready (after a frustruating couple months).  At this point DD1 was eating three meals and on meat, etc.  We aren't there yet with DD2, but were on our way.  Hng in there!  Itt's so frustruating but just follow his lead.

    Given this post and your other post I second the reflux suggestion.  DD1 had reflux and so I did a LOT of research and some of the stuff you are describing goes hand in hand with reflux. 

    ETA: One other thing, DD1 was milk protein intolerant and she also was soy intolerant.  Eczema is often a sign of food intelerance.  I had it as a kid and it turns out I'm lactose intolerant.

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