August 2011 Moms

When did your baby...

learn to keep his/her pacifier in his/her mouth?  Maryn wants to suck so badly and it comforts her a lot, but she has two things working against her: her hands flying around by her face, and her aggressive suck that causes her paci to shoot out of her mouth.  Just wondering how old your baby was when he/she was able to keep the paci in place? 

Married 11/21/2009
BFP 12/4/2010
Baby Maryn was born 8/18/11
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Re: When did your baby...

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    Great question.  I use the soothie on her wubbanub and keep my finger in it until she is nearly settled down and totally relaxed which she then will keep it in until she is ready to release it on her own when she's ready.

    She won't just take it from me though it takes some work for her to suck it and keep it...

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    Greta is a month now, and she still can't keep it in. We usually hold it in there, or just don't bother.
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  • Options I'm no help to you at all. This may be a silly question but are you sure your LO isn't hungry? Everytime Wyatt aggressively sucks at a pacifier and moves his arms/hands all around he's actually hungry.
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    We didn't attempt a paci until DS was 3 wks and nursing was a go.  First few attempts were bad,but after he figured out the process its been smooth sailing.
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    Kaylee can pretty much hold it in her mouth herself, and could from the beginning. She likes it when I hold it in her mouth when she is tired. I think it is soothing to her for it to be in there, and also have my hand so close. If she sucks really hard, and spits out, I know she is hungry, so you might want to consider that, too. Also, she won't keep all pacifiers in her mouth. So maybe your LO doesn't like the brand you are using? My LO HATES the gumdrop brand (that so many ppl like). The first pacifier she liked was Born Free. We are hoping that she will branch out because we have a decent amount of others around the house. 
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